Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kissed a lot of Frogs, Part I. 7-9-11

I'm sitting here drinking an Icee, playing a little computer solitaire, and watching Pineapple Express. What more could a person want in life? Pineapple Express reminds me... Mom's quip on my road to single motherhood is that I 'kissed a lot of frogs but none turned out to be princes.' Yep, lots of Internet dating for several years, sometimes dating 3 different guys in the same week. It's not something that I'm proud of, but it did take significant effort on my part. At least I had endurance! Lots of stories...
I went to see Pineapple Express with a guy who lived near King's Island. You could see the King's Island Eiffel Tower from his porch. You know, he was nice enough, but it just never seemed to click. At least the movie was good, and he did okay at the Turkish restaurant. On the other hand, I dated a guy who took me to see the Departed after I said I didn't like that type of movie. I walked out of the theatre as white as a ghost. Not a great movie for those with vasovagal syncope accompanied by blood phobia. Well, he was nice enough otherwise. When he showed me around his new house, he had Star Wars figures on his mantelpiece and no curtains in his bedroom. Hm.
Then, there was the Russian physicist. Yep, I seriously dated a Russian physicist for several months. He actually was fairly reasonable in appearance and conversation. He liked to eat at this authentic Japanese restaurant where the menu was written in Japanese and you could eat on pillows on the floor in little rooms. He actually had decent taste in food. I remember trying to eat at the Japanese restaurant when I was allergic to fish... I ended up eating raw duck, I think. The meat wasn't bad, but the fat was hard to swallow. He was very frustrated with my command of chopsticks. Uh, I kinda have a touch of arthritis here, not the easiest thing! The food was getting to my mouth; what's the problem here? I remember we walked out to our cars after dinner one night, and I asked him if he wanted a kiss... And he looked at me like I'm crazy and asked me, 'what?' OUCH! Trust me, his command of English was just fine. Yeah, so we went out once or twice after that, but I just wasn't into it anymore. I didn't even kiss that frog!


  1. Maybe he thought you said "Do you want a KICK?" Haha. Gross on the raw duck!

  2. Re: KICK. Kinda felt like that's what he needed at that moment!
