Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Name Game 7-4-11

Chuck, Chuck, Bo, Buck, Banana, Fana, Fo... you get the idea. The Name Game! Tell someone you're pregnant and discussion begins to center around names. That's neither a good thing nor a bad thing, simple pregnancy conversation.
I remember when I went to get Winnie from Mom's house, and she wanted to "help" me pick out a name. I had heard enough about Winnie's exploits already and picked out the name LuLu because she was... a little LuLu. LuLu was also one of my favorite dolls when I was little. And Mom thought that was a terrible name. And so it wound up being Winnie.
And so I made the mistake of telling my mom and aunts the nick name of my little fetus: Boop. Boop, the Bump. There are lots of Peanuts, and Lima Beans, and Little Peas, and such floating around out there. And Boop is very gender neutral and was Betty's last name. Mom said I would need to pick a better name. She said she was going to call the baby Bop. Isn't Bop the name of one of the Teletubbies? My aunt D said Boop sounds like Poop. Hm.
Anyway. I have some real names circulating. But Aunt D brings up an important point when naming, a point that Homer Simpson knew well. You can't pick a name that kids will make fun of. Which is why he naturally chose "Bart" as the name of his son. He went through the alphabet, but unfortunately, he missed the "F". Which brings me to the point I raised with my aunt D.: kids are going to make fun of other kids, no matter what.
And so Boop will stay Boop as far as I'm concerned, as it's been for the last 9 weeks. I should have just continued to keep little Boop's name a secret. Just between me and my little fetus. If we make it, I'll have to come up with a real birth certificate name. I have a few names in mind. I really need to keep my mouth shut about those though. If it's bad, people will just shoot it down. If it's good, someone else will swipe it ;)
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." Just a little pressure!

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