Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Told my Boss. 7-21-11

I told my boss I'm pregnant yesterday. I'm still trying to process the meeting that went an hour over schedule. Overall, he was supportive. In spite of all the mental preparation I had gone through and listening to the SMC board, I wasn't prepared for some of the conversation, though. I think I recovered reasonably well.
I was ambivalent about telling him, especially this early with the problems I've been having. I had told a couple of folks at work that I was pregnant and didn't want it to accidently get out before my boss knew. More concerning, I wanted to give my boss as much notice as possible as we are losing people in our department left and right.  We are a department of far fewer than 10 (a couple of which aren't active in the department), and it looks like we will be losing 1 or 2 very soon. In particular, we are losing the person that does the same general type of research as me. So, I will wind up having to fill her role. I'll be out of commission at the beginning of spring semester, which is when she typically teaches.
G had mentioned going out to eat yesterday. My helper was here in the afternoon; so we will go out tonight. It will be helpful to get her perspective on things and to touch base.

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