Monday, July 11, 2011

Planning for the 1st OB visit 7-1-11

My first OB visit is this afternoon. Fortunately, I have plenty to keep me busy in the meantime. I have a ton of transcripts to prepare for data analysis. Ending this grant has had me on edge for the past 2 months. Add hyperemesis gravidum, a grant submission, and a grant review, and you have a hot mess. Oh and add to that the stress of spotting. The morning sickness is terrible, but I've got to say the spotting worries me the most. That's number one on my list to discuss with the OB. (And excuse me for being graphic, but number 2 is, well, number 2. Unfortunately, they probably go together).
I had my first spotting episode the Sunday before last, associated with some cramping. I called in to the general OB line, but the physician on call never called me back :( Spotting can be a serious symptom, and the OB on call should have at least tried to call me back. Monday morning, the nurse at the RE's office just told me to rest. Then, there was the episode last Saturday. Mom called right after it happened. She got so upset the previous time that I couldn't tell her this time and tried to get off the phone quickly.
I keep telling myself what I read. Once you see the heartbeat, there's only a 10% chance of miscarriage. Only 50% of those with spotting will have a miscarriage. Light spotting during the first trimester is not uncommon. Spotting can be due to many things, which are not indicative of impending miscarriage.
But then, I'm reminded of other facts. I have to keep my job, keep up with my dog, and have to have clean dishes and clothes. So, although I can take it easy, bed rest this early is really not going to work too well. I've had severe GI problems since my adolescence, made worse during arthritis flare ups, and pregnancy will only make these problems worse.  I'm not a young woman (as someone pointed out I'm "too old") and the risk of a chromosome abnormality is elevated. Chromosome abnormalities frequently end in miscarriage. So, I need to be realistic.
Hopefully, my visit to the OB will help to allay some of my fears. I still woke up with nausea, which is a 'good' sign under the circumstances. I'm guessing he'll have a look on the ultrasound to check on everything. Fingers crossed that this will go well. It's been 2 weeks from my last one. And another source of mother's guilt: there was an article in a midwifery journal associating ultrasound with increased risk of autism. I don't think it has ever been substantiated with any real data (midwives aren't a source I would expect to support the medicalization of pregnancy), but I always try to remember 'Moderation in all things.' Why take the chance just to alleviate anxiety? So, I'll just have to see how it goes.


  1. Being pregnant is scary! I was terrified with Sydnie that everything would go wrong. Keep your chin up!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement!
