Sunday, July 24, 2011

A New Kind of Question. 7-17-11

I stopped by my friend's office and asked if she was interested in having lunch. L and I talked a few minutes about where to go. I put the nix on Mexican; every time I've tried, I've regretted it. I wonder what Mexican women eat when pregnant? Is it any easier for them? We decided on Volcano, a new Japanese place.
I was trying to order my bento box and was having some trouble selecting sushi. She was a little surprised, as she knows how I love sushi. So, I told her my news in a quiet voice. As it sunk in what I was saying, she looked a bit like she had just seen some run naked through the parking lot and then the confusion landed in a more confident smile, saying she was happy for me. The next question was not-so-unusual but usually not the first one I hear. "When are you due?" "January 23rd." Then, she looked deep in thought, doing some mental calculations.  She said, "Your baby will be a dragon," she said with satisfaction, "It's the year of the dragon." L is Chinese and was predicting my baby's personality, and I knew the dragon is very, very good. I looked it up on the Internet. A water dragon, no less. Lucky and calm.
Then, this week, they changed my due date by ultrasound. I went in to tell L. January 19th. Before the Chinese New Year. So, my Boop will be a rabbit. But, at least it would mean Boop would be a metal rabbit, which saves the rabbit from being a doormat. At this point in my pregnancy going a few days early may not be so well-received, but I know at 8 months, as big as a house, I will start being ready for that baby to be born! I proceeded to show L my ultrasound photos. She had a very curious look on her face. I asked if she knew what she was looking at and pointed out the head and body, feet, etc. She said that she had never seen one. I said, "Oh, is it bad luck?" She said, "No, they don't let parents see them because if it was a girl, the parents might have an abortion." It was disquieting. Me, trying to get over my extra worries about having a boy... but knowing that whatever the outcome, little Boop will be greeted with much excitement and love.

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