Saturday, March 31, 2012

Princess and the Pea. 3-21-12

She's almost outgrown her bassinet/diaper changing station  

There is an old children’s story of the Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen. The story tells of a Danish prince in search of a real princess to marry. One night during a terrible storm, a woman arrives on his doorstep claiming to be a princess. As a test, his mother hid a pea under 20 mattresses to see if the woman was a true princess—a true princess would be so discriminating that even a pea would disturb her sleep. And so it was, and so she was: the pea disturbed her sleep, and she was a princess.

Dunstan baby language says ‘Neh’ means uncomfortable. And it’s the one that Boop says very frequently. Mom calls Boop the Little Princess. I don’t know if she would be disturbed by a pea under her mattress, but she is definitely disturbed by pee in her diaper. It definitely keeps her from sleeping. One drop, and she shrieks, ‘AH-nayyyyy’. Sometimes it almost seems like she is anticipating wetting her diaper. I need to double check that there is nothing wrong with Boop. Otherwise, we’ll just have to concentrate on keeping her dry.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday, Monday. 3-20-12

So, with my sitter out for Monday, I needed a new game plan. There was a meeting I needed to attend; so I was trying to figure out how to manage. I emailed G to get her opinion, and she said 1 option would be to bring her in. My helper had class. I decided to go for it, Boop’s screams and all.
My assistant in deep concentration

We got to the parking lot at the bottom of the hill. When I pulled into the parking space, Boop started to wail. Wet diaper. So I changed her in my lap in the front seat. I was finished, but she kept crying. At that point, I looked in my bag. I had washed it before I left. And there it was. The pacifier. I felt like I had failed somehow, but I knew it would be better to be with me with a pacifier than without the pacifier and be in a less than ideal situation. She took it. We got upstairs. I talked to U, and we figured we’d try Boop at the seminar. On our way, we ran into M, G’s assistant, and she offered to take her. Relief. And so M kept her for the 2 hours, during which time, M gave her the nickname ‘Diva.’ I smiled and said that my mom called her the Princess. Same difference.

We managed. U took Boop while I helped the students do a video. It was nice that so many were willing to help. I don’t want to try to rely on that too much (Boop is a wee bit disruptive with her shrieks), but I appreciate that folks helped me to get some work done. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Taking Stock at 10 Weeks Old. 3-28-12

Look away!

Here’s what’s happening at 10 Weeks Old:
  • I plan to take Miss Boop to the pediatrician next week. I need to schedule an appointment. I’d like to get to the bottom of the diaper issue. It’s so strange how miserable she is. Granted, she could just be a bit spoiled and dramatic, but I want to do what I can to figure out the cause, especially if it can be prevented. I’m hearing folks say good things about coconut oil; so I ordered some. Just in case Boop has a bit of diaper rash or something along those lines, the oil will help it go away. The oil should arrive on Friday, which gives me a little time to see if it helps her before her doctor’s appointment.
  • We’re still working on milk. I’ve been taking the Reglan, which I can’t tell much about. I definitely noticed a boost with the cookies and the fenugreek. The cookies have brewer’s yeast in them, which may be the thing I’m allergic to. However, I’m doing better with my allergies than I was a month ago.
  • I survived another birthday. Forty is getting closer and closer. It’s hard to believe that my father had advanced cancer at this age. My colonoscopy is scheduled for this summer. I’ll be glad to have it over with and have it out of the way for a few years.
  • I haven’t noticed Boop having as much trouble now that I’m watching what I eat. Of course, she still throws fits; it just seems to be about other things. I gave her a bottle of formula at dinner last night, and she spat it all up. Fortunately, she seems to be doing better on my milk.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Strolling Along. 3-20-12

No relation to the post--just wanted to show the letter from my  peeps the Obamas (thanx  M)

So much beautiful weather: warm and sunny. And an antsy dog that is trying hard to ‘be a good girl.’ On Sunday, I decided it was time to try the stroller. We’re going to have to have it for our upcoming trip to NOLA, anyway; so, I needed to figure it out. We had used the box for something else long ago; so I was afraid the instructions were long gone. Fortunately, when I opened the stroller bag, I found the manual attached to a rail. Setting up the stroller wasn’t intuitive but manageable with instructions.

The next trick was to use it. That means I had to get stroller, attached car seat, baby and dog outside—one a bit awkward and heavy, one requiring much care, and one gunning and straining against her leash. I sat the stroller outside and then tried to manage Boop and Winnie. The shorter leash was handy <and so, to state the obvious, I have to keep Winnie on a short leash>. The short leash was a good idea in retrospect; otherwise she would have made the stroller impossible—zigzagging in front and stopping short right in front. I double checked that I had my keys. When I got to the bottom of the driveway, I realized that I forgot my camera and bags to clean up after Winnie. As for the camera, you’ll have to trust me that the tulip poplars are lovely, and the bags, Winnie had been in and out of the house all afternoon and surely had done enough of her business by now. <You know where this going.>

We wound our way around the neighborhood, not going too far in case Boop got upset or the dark clouds brought rain sooner than expected. Winnie kept jerking on her leash, but we managed. Then, we stopped at the stop sign in front of the home of Pomeranian-in-umbrella-stroller-man’s house, and Winnie went and went and went. Folks were passing by us. No bags. Boop was starting to cry. With that, we went home. Then, I got a bag, carried Boop the two blocks, and recovered Winnie’s little present.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sleep: Bloop-bloop, Bleep-bleep. 3-16-12

When you’re a new Mom, it’s all about sleep. Everyone knows you don’t get enough sleep. Everyone knows it’s a very relevant question. Most people ask about it. It’s certainly on my mind a lot. We have our good days and our bad days. When it’s bad, she wants to nurse constantly, punctuated by cries of a wet diaper. The worst is when I’m trying to change her in the middle of the night on the futon, and she pees on me and the futon. Whereas boys are a little more fountain’esque, Boop’s accidents are more likely to slide behind her back, insidious.

My memory is terrible these days with lack of sleep. Names are lost on me, and I’m meeting so many new people. I’ve forgotten my keys and, perhaps even more annoying, forgotten that I had spare keys. I’ve forgotten appointments, and I’m always walking into a room, only to forget what I went after. And there are notes and lists everywhere. I had such trouble keeping up with the notes that I wrote on post-its, envelopes, and other bits of scrap paper, that I’ve had to keep my notes on the computer. The only problem comes about when I need the list on my computer while I’m at the store.
Sleep #6, on her way to her crib

I know this gets better. And one decent night’s sleep makes me feel much more human. As she gets older, I’ll get more sleep. Seeing her sleeping is so nice, not just because she’s cute.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Daycare Drama. 3-18-12

Sleeping Kitchen Helper (my house) #5

I thought I found someone to keep Boop for the time being. The person got a voluntary recommendation by a friend of a friend. And I do like the sitter. But this situation may not work out.

After 5-6 hours at the daycare, Boop had only used 3-4 diapers. After eating, she can go through that many diapers in an hour or so. Boop hates a wet diaper and just cries and cries until the offending diaper is gone and her dry clothes are back on <fingers crossed for early toilet training>. When I first noticed how few diapers were used, I mentioned it to the sitter. I knew she was overwhelmed last Monday (there were a few toddlers when we arrived), and I was a late addition. It’s also possible that Boop’s eating less. 

The sitter didn’t mention anything, but as we were leaving on Friday, one of the children said they would have several on Monday. Driving home, that really concerned me. G, my friend from work, and I were discussing it over St. Patrick’s Day dinner. She said there was an issue for daycare for one of our colleagues, that she couldn’t take both of her children to the same sitter because there was some sort of state regulation about the number of little ones. I came home and looked it up. Yep, they are pretty restrictive on numbers. So, I need a new game plan.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Taking Stock at 9 Weeks Old. 3-21-12

Here’s what’s happening at 9 Weeks Old:
Sleeping Cutie #4
  • Folks have been saying she is going to have blue eyes. I’m starting to see teal edges. Maybe it’s my imagination. Her hair isn’t growing much in the front, but it’s getting a bit longer in the back. She’s been spitting up more and blowing bubbles/drooling. She may be having reflux or tummy troubles. It’s on my list for the next pediatrician visit.
  • She’s just about grown out of her 0-3 month clothes; the footed onesies are a bit short. Thankfully, she’s managed to wear all of her colder weather clothes at least once. It’s warm enough now that she will get to wear some of the 0-3 month summer clothes.
  • Lately, I’ve been catching myself thinking, ‘Is she really doing x<insert activity here>?’ It turns out that ‘Uh-Nay’ usually means wet diaper, but there’s a related word I’m hearing, ‘Meh.’ One time, she was laying on the bed crying, she looked up me and said, “MeMeh.” I swept her up in my arms. From what I can tell, it either means milk or Mommy or, most likely, both. She’s starting to say, ‘Owah’ more, for ‘I’m sleepy.’ Then, once I thought I saw her reaching out with very jerky movements. Later, she was in her swing, and she reached for the tie on my robe. I’m seeing her reach for things more and more now.
  • I don’t really feel like she’s my baby, yet. I mean, there is really no question that she’s mine. And she’s the best thing since sliced bread. But it just doesn’t seem like she should be mine, I guess, or that someone will take her away. I can’t say I’ve really had post-partum depression, yet. With the craziness of that week in the hospital, I was feeling quite moody. I got a script for some meds just in case, but I’m not using them.   

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Cannot Tell a Lie. 3-5-11

Sleeping Mini #3

I don’t have enough on my plate with Boop, apparently, because folks keep finding trouble for me ; ). We got the same windstorm that’s been all over the south and east coast. It didn’t do too much damage; I found my trash can across the street in the neighbor’s yard, thank goodness. And so, some folks 2 doors down had some trees trimmed, and my neighbors followed suit. Or rather, their daughter arranged to have it done while they were away.

On Thursday, I got a call from their daughter. She said that the tree trimmer required my permission to trim the branches of the tree that hung over on her parent’s property. Flashback to last spring. I had 2 trees cut out of my front yard: one was a huge, lovely silver maple that was rotten inside and if allowed to progress likely would have bashed in my roof, the other was a less lovely tree that the previous owners had planted next to the house in the middle of the front deck?? My neighbor called me over and told me I should get the dead cherry tree cut down in the back yard. He was going to give me a small portion of the cost. I was surprised as I didn’t think the tree was on my property. Before I spent that amount of money, I wanted to have a surveyor check the property line.

So when their daughter called, I recounted what happened last spring and explained that cutting off the branches on half the tree would likely cause the tree to split and damage my shed. I asked her for the tree trimmer’s number that maybe he would cut the top out of the side by me. The next thing I know I got a call from the tree trimmer. I explained the situation, and he made me a much better deal to cut down the tree. They cut it down on Friday, and when the tree trimmer came to collect he seemed surprised to see Boop. I’m just glad it’s over!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Psyched Out of It. 3-12-12‏

Sleeping #2

Friday I tried to psych myself up. I'm going to have to leave her sooner or later, I figured. When she was about a month old, I left her for about 2 hours while I went to work on a grant, but I left her with Mom and Aunt D. That went fine. On Friday, I left her with my helper. Fortunately, my helper had watched little Boop while I was at home before. We would trade her off while getting stuff done around the house, and so I felt pretty comfortable with her taking over the reigns. Then, after a few hours, Mom would be there to take over. My goal was to be away 4-5 hours, and I picked the day of the poster competition to leave her. I was going to be a judge for the student posters; so I figured that would keep my mind occupied. 

My helper was there early enough that I could finish getting dressed without having to try to hold Boop in one arm while trying to brush my teeth with the other. One of the people coordinating the poster competition was H, who I had just seen at the new moms get together the Friday before. She was very sympathetic to my return to work. Fortunately, the lead judge was on the ball and had our time well scheduled. There wasn't a whole lot of time to think about my little Boop and what might be happening at home.

I was relieved when one of the members of the group suggested a break. I went to make a quick call home. Things were going well enough, but my helper explained, 'She cried when I tried to put her down; so I've just been holding her.' Good. She was in good hands. When I called my mom, she was just about to walk in the door of my house. Okay, so that was good, too. After the break, we finished judging the posters and decided our winners. As we walked downstairs, the lead judge asked if I had any other children. I said that no, Boop is my first. She didn't realize and was a bit surprised that I was able to manage the judging so well. She recounted the first day she left her son for work about 13 years ago. She had to return to work after 4 weeks, but her husband was able to care for her son during the day. That didn't keep her from being completely anxious the whole time she was away, though. I'll be honest, my mind was a bit too muddled to process as much of the posters as I would have liked: both due to Boop and lack of sleep. But it was a good exercise to get me back into the swing of things.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weight, Wait (don't tell me). 3-15-12

I had no idea of how much weight I would gain during pregnancy. With the hyperemesis gravidarum, I should have lost a lot weight, but I was so determined to eat and gain weight in spite of being sick. Forcing myself to eat was a little hard to turn off. I kept on track with weight gain while sick, but when the HG went away at 6 months, I really started putting on the weight. Feeling so out of it, I wasn’t doing any exercise on top of it all. I gained 50 lbs!

So, that first week or two out after delivery, the weight really started to come off. Fortunately, I lost 25 lbs. I had hoped that breast feeding would help me lose weight, but I’m not doing well in that area. I’m producing little milk, and I’m afraid to restrict any calories because I don’t want to jeopardize what little milk I produce.
Sleeping Beauty #1

That leaves exercise. Along with yoga, I’ve been making efforts to walk more. Some of the yoga moms and I have been taking a walk with our little ones before yoga. Boop and I also walked to the grocery store today. I got a bit more of a work out than initially planned as I picked up a few more things at the grocery than were on my list. Added weight training! Plus, as I get more sleep and Boop doesn’t need constant undivided attention, I can start back with my Wii. My primary care doctor tells me to give it a year, and G, another new mother at work, said she was able to lose weight when she came back to work. It will be nice if Boop can get into the local daycare that I like, and then I can get lots of walking in.  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day. 3-17-12

Wishing you a St. Patrick's Day that treats you well tomorrow morning!
Bib sent from the land of Leprechauns
Thanks, Ms. M!
Leprechaun Training: 

  • The content of Lucky Charms are red hearts, yellow moons, green clovers, and orange stars. 
  • Stay away from Darby O'Gill and Daniel O'Grady
  • Consider pesticide for 4 leaf clovers

Take Good Care of My Bay-ee-ay-Be. 3-15-12

Went through my mental checklist. Planned for every contingency I could think of. Tried to get the bottles clean and ready. Got the formula and made sure I had a frozen pack for the breast milk. Extra clothes in case <because she will> she spits up or makes a mess with her bottle. Socks and sweater in case she gets cold. Bib and a couple of blankets, too. Diapers, diapers: cloth and disposable. Baby wipes. Pump and pump supplies clean and ready to take to work. Baby photos to give away. Fenugreek supplements. Exhausted before I even started the day. Good: not much traffic past the school. 20 minutes. I made good time.
Boop back home after her first day of daycare
There were already 3 little toddlers up and about, and one toddler still in bed. Thankfully, Boop was still sleepy from the drive. I showed L, the sitter, all of the things in my bag and made sure Boop was situated. It was a little after 9am. I just didn’t want to think too much about leaving her with, essentially, a stranger for the first time. I tried not to torment myself with all of the things that could happen. I focused on the trip back across town in the stop and go traffic. I went through my mental checklist of things to do at work. Too much to do. Good: I won’t have time to think. By the time 12:30pm rolled around, I thought it would be okay to call L. And I did. She was fine. Of course, she had cried. But L explained the things she did to soothe Boop.

Time to pump. I knew it wouldn’t be much, but it’s something. Mom called just as I started. I waited until I was feeling more settled and called her back. She was anxious and brought up more stuff for me to obsess over. After finishing with our call, I started trying to get back into a manuscript I had worked on before leave. I was almost out of time and tried to manage another quick pumping session. I wound up leaving later than I wanted. L needed to leave at 3:15, and I barely made it. Boop was waiting in her car seat and not happy; otherwise, she seemed unscathed. I just wanted to get us home. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

List-lessness. 3-14-12

My helper agreed to come back on Saturday evening while Mom was here. I was hoping to get trim work done, but my other helper couldn’t make it. There were plenty of other things to do on my list. There was a toddler in the news who was killed when a TV fell over on her; so I was even more anxious to get the flat panel mounted on the wall. I also wanted to get the switch plates up to cover the wires around the switches and plugs. It won’t be long until Boop is crawling.

Of course, nothing went as planned. I couldn’t find the switch covers I bought, and we couldn’t get one of the screws out of the TV stand base. Mom made a trip to get the switch covers, but they didn’t work. Fortunately, Mom was able to help us get the screw out of the TV, and we were able to get it mounted. We got the couches switched out, and I got one of the sofas ready for Habitat for Humanity. I still need to put more things together. It feels so good to decrease the amount of stuff I have in the house, but I have plenty more to do. And along with avoiding being featured on Hoarders, I guess a trip to the hardware store is in my future to get more switch covers. I didn’t get to sort papers for taxes; so that’s even higher on my list. I guess it would be worse to wind up in the pokey for tax evasion than to be on Hoarders. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Photo. 3-13-12

Mom likes to get professional photos. I had some done when Boop was 1 month old when we went back home. They were so cheap that we decided to get more done when she came on Friday. So, we started putting things together when I got finished with the poster judging and headed out. Unfortunately, Boop cried a fair bit and couldn’t get situated, but we managed to get a few decent shots. Evenings are generally more difficult for Boop.

I figured we could take some photos on Saturday morning at my house. I had been wanting to put little Boop in my Great Grandma’s wig box, but I didn’t want to attempt it by myself. With Mom here, I figured we’d give it a shot. Boop’s in a better mood in the morning, anyway. I wanted to get some more spring/Easter photos. Unfortunately, Boop is a bit big to fit in my old Easter baskets, but we did get some Easter-type shots. Surprisingly, she did well in the wig box. After being there for a few minutes, she settled in and started to smile. And then we went and ruined it all by changing her clothes. Winnie took advantage of the opportunity to pose.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Taking Stock at 8 Weeks Old. 3-13-12

Squeaky Wheel
Here’s what’s happening at 8 weeks old:
Little Angel
  • Boop has a new nickname: squeaky wheel :) She sure lets us know when she needs something. She’s like a little siren when her diaper is wet. And she also lets us know she’s unhappy when that bottle comes out of her mouth. Mom and I are spoiling her. It’s very easy to do.
  • Work is plugging along. I work with surprising intensity these days. I figure that I’m away from my baby; I had better make the most of it. I need to do some reevaluating about my job, now that I have a baby to see if I can manage something with a more flexible schedule. It’s the health insurance that always gets me.
  • I haven’t made any great improvements in breastfeeding. I can tell that I’m producing a bit more, but it’s still not as much as I need. I went from 1.5 to 2 oz, after taking the fenugreek. I still haven’t decided about using breastfeeding meds. It sort of defeats the purpose of giving breast milk if it’s tainted. 
  • Boop’s head hasn’t changed much, or else, it’s so subtle that I don’t notice it. Her eyes are dark blue. When she sleeps, she opens up her hands, but when she’s stressed or angry, those thumbs are tucked well into her fists. Boop’s belly button hasn’t changed much, and I don’t think it will from here on out. Her muscle control is improving. When I tell her to move her hands when I try to feed her, she does. She also will stop sucking the bottle when I ask (after getting a quick extra swig in).

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Milk Mafia? 3-11-12

My friend, M, had suggested I get hooked in with the local La Leche League, as they had been a good resource for her. I had heard that they could be a bit anti-pacifiers, anti-bottles, and even a bit hard on moms who work outside the home. It made me a bit hesitant about going. There’s no getting around it: Boop has to use a bottle.

One of the new moms was producing too much milk, and other mothers were identifying with that problem.  Later, I said that I didn’t produce enough and asked for help. No one really had that problem, but they pulled out their book and asked if I had tried: pumping? Yes. Dual pumping? Yes. Pumping through the 2nd let down? I don’t know. <Turned out I had.> What kind do you have? Madela. Have you tried a supplemental nursing system? Yes.  Switching? Yes. Oatmeal. Yes. Warm compresses? No. They went through several things. I pretty much had tried them all. Shoot. They were flummoxed.

It was a large group, and one of the leaders commented on their good turn out. They were friendly enough and invited me to join them for lunch in the next town. Only one person seemed a tad judgmental, but maybe she was just having a bad day. My inclination was not to go to lunch, but I decided it would be good for us. So we sat out in the rain and Boop did alright. I’ve gotten used to eating with one hand, and we had a nice visit. One of the ladies was from my hometown. Although work will make the daytime meetings difficult, I may be able to manage the evening ones.   

Monday, March 12, 2012

Last Midwife Visit. 3-10-12

Another photo in my great grandma's wig box.
At least Boop can keep my mind off things. 

I had been up since 2am, and we had been running all day. My pediatrician and midwives are in the same building; so I try to get them on the say day. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get them done close together in time. So, I went to the lactation specialist in between. I wound up having to go home before seeing the midwives. I had been disappointed because I had asked them twice to call me about my work release, and they didn’t. We were about 5 minutes late getting to the midwives. It didn’t matter; the midwife was at least a half hour late… maybe 45 minutes? I had waited to see the midwife I liked the best, and there had been some strange scheduling things.

It wasn’t a great visit. There was something going on in the office, some staffing issue, apparently. She seemed a little perturbed as she went through her checklist with me. She asked me about my emotional health and depression. I told her I was stressed about going back to work and was trying to figure out daycare. She said, “I haven’t heard a mother yet who wasn’t stressed about going back to work.” <Yikes, then why bother asking me if you didn’t want to hear the response?> The OB on call while I was in the hospital said the extent of my injuries would be rationale for extended medical leave, but I could see she was in no mood to discuss it. I really didn’t need it anyway as it was already approved.

They wanted to do my annual pap screening. Although they were supposed to do it early in my pregnancy, they said they had no record of it. I just hope I don’t wind up getting charged for an extra screening. I had also asked her if there was any physical reason I wasn’t producing enough milk—like a blocked duct. She just looked at my breast. Not only does that not make sense from a breast feeding standpoint, I was thinking a clinical breast exam was standard of care for the annual exam. Her only response was to keep working with the lactation specialist. Then, I asked her about domperidone. She hadn’t heard of it but gave me a script. As I was leaving, the scheduling person said that I was finished with them. That felt a bit strange as I thought they also did gynecological care. So, I left there in a daze. And I must say it wasn’t a boost for my emotional health.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

CLC. 3-9-12

So Wednesday, after the pediatrician appointment, I figured I would see the lactation specialist at the hospital. I try to get as much running done in one trip as possible, to minimize the number of times Boop has to get in and out of her car seat. I had emailed the lactation specialist about coming on Monday or Wednesday, and she had suggested Wednesday. There was some mention of another person coming. I didn’t read the email as thoroughly as I should have, as she had said to let her know when I would be coming; so she was discombobulated when I showed up there. She recovered fairly quickly, is pretty laid back in general, and had us get situated into a room.
My little chunk in my great grandma's old wig box where I keep my  hats
Having fed Boop about 2 hours before, I wasn’t sure how it would go, but Boop was plenty hungry. I did one switch, and she had transferred an ounce. Boop woke up and seemed hungry; so I went ahead and fed her again. All in all 1.4 ounces. That would be terrible for most people, but that was an improvement for me. Then, we strategized a bit about options. The first thing she said is that she was glad I was sticking with it and admitted that when she didn’t see me, she just assumed I had completely given up on breast feeding and just used formula by bottle. Then, she suggested that I ease into the fenugreek. She also suggested goat’s rue as a possibility and was telling me about galactgogues. As far as other potential physical problems, she suggested that I talk to the midwife, which I would be seeing later the afternoon. We were also hopeful that I might get some advice at the breastfeeding group that I would be seeing on Thursday.  Hopefully, I’ll have some milk to send with Boop for daycare.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Taking Care of Boop. 3-8-12

Yesterday was hectic. I‘m trying to get us on track for my return to work. The first thing on my agenda was a visit to the daycare I want Boop to attend. The facilities were as nice as I expected, but it was very hard. Boop wants to be held, but the ratio of adults to infants in each class is 2:8. So, it’s unlikely that she would get a lot of cuddling time. That wasn’t easy for me to think about. Fortunately, I was able to maintain my composure. It didn’t help that I had been up since 2am working on a grant review. I kind of walked through in a daze. They asked if I had any questions, but I was too muddled to come up with much. We signed up for drop-in service, in case one of the regulars was on vacation or didn’t attend for some other reason. When I spoke with the classroom attendant, she was doubtful that she would have any availability for drop in, but she was telling me about some of her little ones that would be graduating in March. I’m thinking we’ll get in sometime this summer. At 6 months, she’ll be more interactive and perhaps have less need to be constantly held.

Boop's bassinet has become a frequently-used changing table  

Next was the pediatrician. Well, it was a good report—maybe a little too good. Boop has gained weight! And gained weight she has. The nurse and pediatrician were pleased. She was right at the 50th percentile for weight (10.5 lbs). Of course, her height was between the 10th-25th percentile (21.5 in). In other words, she’s a bit short for her weight. A little chunk! Now, I can cut down on her formula, as my milk supply must be picking up a bit. The pediatrician suggested fenugreek pills to up my milk supply. The knots on her head are calming down, and she’s becoming a bit more well-rounded. No thrush. She received her second Hep B vaccine, and we planned for Boop’s other vaccines at the next visit.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taking Stock at 7 Weeks Old. 3-6-12

Here’s what’s happening at 7 weeks old:

Boop on Boppy, one of her favorite places
  • We both have doctors’ appointments tomorrow. I have a laundry list of things to check on. I’m hoping to find something that will help with my milk supply. It’s really a shame that I’m revisiting it this late in the game. The more I read and the more I hear, there are so many things that we still haven’t explored. Tomorrow, we’re hoping to see the lactation consultant. On Thursday, I’m going to try to go to the local breastfeeding group. Maybe I’ll come up with something to boost supply before Boop heads off to daycare.
  • Still seeing very little of Boop’s thumbs. Slowly, I’m able to open her fists. It’s becoming more important with formula, as she tends to get formula in them. It took me a while to figure what she was getting into that smelled sour and was black: sour formula, blech! She gets it in the folds of her neck, too.
  • Although her eyes are blue, I thought I saw a slight brown ring, like mine. Her eyes are definitely getting darker. She has a fair number of white bumps, milia. I hope they go way soon. She doesn’t have much hair, yet, but I’m having trouble keeping up with her nails. I’m managing to keep her dry. She’s only had a tinge of diaper rash that went away fairly quickly. She’s a squeaky wheel, or more like a siren when her diaper is wet. It’s hard to believe, but she’s almost grown out of 0-3 month clothes.
  • Lately, I’ve been making every effort to be social. When we were feeling bad, it was hard to be around anyone. Winnie was hard to manage with her germs and rambunctiousness. And then Boop’s difficulty with the car seat was virtually incapacitating. I can’t say I’m back to my normal, but I am feeling better. We’re meeting more new moms, and I’m getting to spend time with friends.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Get Ready. 3-4-12

I was happy to get an invite to a new moms’ social from the person that does Boop’s cloth diapers. I emailed to double check if it was okay to bring Boop, and it was a go. Friday, I spent the day strategizing about how we would get ready. H, a friend from work, also was going to the social; so I knew there would be another friendly face.

Boop is quieter first thing in the morning; so after we had breakfast, I turned on the shower and got her strapped into the swing. Then, after getting cleaned up, I tried to get a few things done around the house, punctuated by feedings and diaper changes. A couple of hours before we needed to leave, I figured I’d go ahead  and change out of my sweats and that we’d wear our matching sweater and outfit from Hanna Andersson. Generally, I try to wait until closer to time in case we should have a mishap, but she’s done so well. She rarely spits up or has blowouts.
How I manage a shower

You’ve probably figured out how this story ends, as it involves me. I dressed us both and sat Boop back in the swing so I could finish getting ready. I came back to her and saw spit-up on her outfit! Fortunately, it wasn’t too much, and I could wipe it off. Just as a precaution, I glanced in the mirror, and there it was on my sweater, urgh. As I wiped, I realized it was just the tip of the iceberg; when I looked up, there was a huge glob in my hair. Unfortunately, that was not easy to get out, and I had to wash my hair out in the sink multiple times. My hair still felt like straw. I’ve always said that formula is awful. It was worse than glue.

On the bright side, the quick trip for a hostess gift and the social went much better. I met a few nice folks—or rather, got to know a couple of the yoga moms a bit better, and I felt a little less alone in the trials of having a newborn. But, the others had more success breastfeeding; I was the only one with formula caked in my hair.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ongoing Mission. 3-2-12

So, I need to get my act together about daycare. I wish I could just go to work with Boop attached, but I know it is not realistic. I called the daycare that I like again, hoping that we had made some movement from my last call. The last time I spoke with them, they said we were 27. This time, we were 34?? I think what happened is that they have 2 numbers: siblings and ‘waitlist’. When they say ‘waitlist,’ that’s not the real number. It doesn’t include the siblings of children that currently attend; they have priority. There are currently 15 siblings that have priority. So, I’m guessing we went from 27 to 19…maybe. I’m not sure what the 27 included. It would be hard to believe the number went down by 8 with that many siblings and considering that the number hardly moved for so long. Anyway it’s unlikely that we’ll get in within 2 weeks.

My friend, A, gave me the name of a friend of hers and her babysitter. Hopefully, that will work out. I went and met with her on Thursday. Boy, it’s really a bit of a trek. I made the trip in 15 min., but if there is any traffic at all, the commute could triple. She was certainly experienced with 4 children of her own; 1 is about a year old who she keeps during the day. She nursed her children but has given one of them formula, doesn’t use pacifiers, had two of her own children who liked to be cuddled, and uses cloth diapers. She sits about 6 children but some days she has none, with 4 on a day or two.

Beneath this quiet facade a storm is brewing.
In some ways, it may be a better situation than daycare, as Boop could get more personal attention. When I was there, her niece and nephew came over while their mother was running errands. Her niece might have been 5 or 6 and was talking to me as the woman took her year-old son to his crib. The niece informed me that the woman let her son “cry it out” to go to sleep. That worried me, as I didn’t get that impression from what she was saying before. At the beginning of the visit, I explained that Boop really doesn’t cry it out, she just takes a breath and keeps crying, she will turn purple, and we discussed strategies to calm Boop. My next step is to talk to A’s friend to discuss some of my impressions, figure out a way to broach the ‘crying it out’ issue again, and then, if all goes well, figure out a day next week to take Boop there.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Boop Yoga. 3-1-12

When I was doing prenatal yoga, the yoga instructor had talked about the yoga classes that she taught for new moms and their babies. After one of her informational emails last month, I sent her a response, asking about baby yoga. So she sent an email out last week asking about interest in baby yoga. Unfortunately, it’s 4 weeks long, and one will fall during the day after I return to work. However, I figured we would do what we could, that it would be good for us.

Dead frog pose?
Tuesday rolled around, and my goal was to leave 15 min. before classes start. Of course, Boop was rattled and had a bit of a blowout; so we were 10 min. late, arriving to a room full of baby boys. Well, there were only 4, but Boop was the only girl. We hurried to get mats, pillows, and blankets, and then Boop and I introduced ourselves to a room of people we didn’t know.

Compare and contrast: Boop pre-yoga vs. Boop at yoga. Unlike the other little ones, nary a peep out of Boop until an hour into yoga. Of course, that was when it was time for me to relax and meditate, but to be fair, it was in response to a wet diaper. Some of the moms talked about going for a walk afterwards, but I was still exhausted from Monday and didn’t have my Moby. Hopefully, we can meet them next week. It will be good to get to know the ladies a bit better.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Classic Me. 3-1-12

Oh, Pooh!

Monday morning: I psyched myself up for my doctor’s appointment and a possible visit to work. I reasoned that if I could figure out what was wrong with me, we’d also be able to help Boop at her visit to the pediatrician next week. The appointment was at 10:40am. My target to leave was 9am. So at 10am <ahem>, I put Boop in her carrier for the car seat, which she hates. I gave my diaper bag a double check and opted to remove my nursing poncho and take my Moby wrap. I gave Winnie her good-bye, ‘Be a good girl,’ locked the door and made my way down the steps. I dug in my coat pocket for car keys. I dug in the other pocket. Oh crap, I locked myself out! I haven’t done that since my last house about 4 years ago, and that only happened because the sliding glass doors accidently locked themselves.

Three options, I thought: 1. Call a locksmith, 2. Break into my house, or 3. Walk. Catching a ride wasn’t an option as I didn’t have a car seat. If I called a locksmith, I’d miss my appointment. I would not be able to break into my house without help, and most neighbors were off to work. I decided if I really hoofed it, I could make it in time. BUT I was seriously out of shape and would be carrying an extra 10lb baby and her diaper bag. It was a little chilly, but I figured if Boop was in the Moby, mostly in my coat, and covered with her blanket, she would be okay. Oh, those hills—I was really feeling it. Me exhausted, her in a deep sleep, we made it to the registration desk at 10:42am. 

The doctor didn’t have any new ideas about my ailment, thought it was allergies, and gave me meds. I was pretty exhausted by the time I got to the office, and G asked a student to help me break into the house. She suggested I keep a spare key at the office, and then it clicked: I did have a spare key! Mom and I had a discussion about it, but I couldn’t remember the resolution. I had a pretty good idea where it might be <groan>. I couldn’t reach Mom to see if she remembered. So, I told the student I had a few things to do at the office, I would have to walk home with the baby <no car seat>, and then he should drive to meet me at home. It took me longer than expected to hunt something down on the computer because it wasn’t there L He called at 2pm, wondering if everything was okay, and I told him I would walk home and check about the spare key. And you know what happened. The moral of the story: the key was exactly where I thought it was. Much time and energy wasted. Classic me. I’m ba-ack, Baby!