Monday, August 1, 2011

Kissed a lot of Frogs, Part II. 7-9-11

They say nice girls don't kiss and tell. Well, I didn't kiss this guy, either; so I'm going to go ahead and tell... I met him for coffee/tea. He was decent looking, probably made a modest income, extraverted.  He told me to go through the line first. He said we would just get something to drink. So, I ordered a tea and plain bagel. It was less than $3. He never offered to pay, even though he asked me out. Then he ordered a fancy coffee, a tuna sandwich, and some chips. We chatted for a bit, and he seemed kinda normal. Okay, maybe he just didn't realize, I thought. And the whole women's lib thing, maybe he thought I would be offended if he paid? In general, it's the person that invites that pays, but some guys don't catch on.
Later that afternoon, I got a call. It's the same guy. He said he had a nice time (I think yeah, yeah, yeah, but you're too cheap to offer to pay $3 on me?), and then he went on to say that his friends told him about some benefit dinner that night. He wanted me to go. You know, I had to ask, "What's the benefit for?" and "How much is it?" <To my credit, I didn't say, "How much is it, Cheapo?"> He said that he wasn't sure which charity it was for, and "It would be $25 for you." I think, yeah right! Instead, I said, "Ah, you know, I've kinda settled in for the night and am really not feeling like getting out." <To my credit, I didn't say, "really not feeling motivated to go out for someone who expects me to pay $25 for a charity that he doesn't remember, especially when you call me as an afterthought.>
I'm thinking that I've heard the last of this guy. But no, he contacted me mid-week to go out to PF Changs. Yeah, I'm not believing it, either. Maybe he thought he's found a sugar momma? Nope. It reminds me of the exchange between Ray's parents on Everybody Loves Raymond. She says something about being a trophy wife. To which Ray's father asks, "What trophy in hell have I won?" Yeah, he was no trophy.
So, I meet him at PF Changs. He asked, why don't we split a seared tuna appetizer? I reminded him that I'm allergic to fish. He was still trying to sell me on paying half for this appetizer. I tell him that I can wait for my meal, to go ahead and order what he wanted for himself. <Translation: I ain't payin'.> So, he ordered it anyway, all $8 worth. Fine. The waiter was kinda taking this all in. He was being extra nice to me and had my date pegged as a jerk. I wonder if the waiter had waited on my date before and what the circumstances were. I ate about half of my meal. We got our separate checks. He never offered to pay. I planned to take the rest of my meal home for lunch the next day, and the waiter boxed it up for me. My date said, "Hey, since you're not going to eat that, I can take it home with me." The waiter was a little incredulous and shook his head. I said, "No, I'm planning to have this for lunch tomorrow." <To my credit, I didn't say, "Uh, I paid for my meal. If you wanted more, you should have bought it, you tight a**.> Slim pickin's, slim pickin's.


  1. I am very glad I am not dating! LOL. Hope you are going well.

  2. It's a tough scene! At this point in my life, I'm prolly just as likely to be hit by a bus (or maybe more likely) than to meet Mr. Right...

  3. I'm thinking the charity dinner was a charity for himself! And, he ordered tuna?? On a date! I hope he ordered mints too!

  4. It was fresh tuna; so not as stinky as the stuff in the can. Oh, but his attitude was certainly stinky enough! Yep, he was a taker. Unemployed date made much more of an effort. Glad I didn't invest too much in that one!
