Saturday, July 14, 2012

Feed Me. 7-7-12

We went on an adventure for dinner. I get these gift cards, and it’s always a bit of a question mark. We were looking forward to Japanese, or at least I was. I had already decided on a Bento box, and Mom was planning to have one too. Unfortunately, after dragging the baby out in the 100 degree heat, the restaurant wouldn’t honor the gift card. Even though Mom had ordered her drink, we decided to leave.
So, we sat out in search of the other restaurant. Fortunately, I was able to find the general location fairly quickly. However, there really wasn’t a sign. Someone was wearing a t-shirt with the restaurant name on it, and we asked him where the restaurant was. He pointed us down the stairs. The upkeep of the place was a bit concerning-more disorganized than anything, but we forged ahead. They might still have good food, I figured. Hm. It was also quite hot. Mom asked if their air conditioning was out. Nope. I asked Mom if she could stand it, thinking, hoping that this would abort our mission, but she said she was okay. There was also a portable air conditioner inside; we tried to make due in the 100+ degree weather.

Unfortunately, things didn’t get any better from there. The baby got overheated and just cried and cried and cried. Finally, I asked if we could get it to go. And with some encouragement from the waiter and the owner—‘well, what’s the difference if we just asked for to-go boxes and just boxed it up ourselves?’—we made our way home. I’m still balking at $15 for 8 fried shrimp with nothing to go with it, having to pay $3 for warmed-up. canned, sliced sweet potatoes. You never know.  

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