Saturday, July 28, 2012

Splitting Head. 7-23-12

Friday night was good. She slept for two sessions of 3 hours with a mix of nursing for an hour or two in between. That's the best she had done for a while. I woke feeling okay on Saturday. But, she would not take a nap. She fought and fought and fought. My helper was there working on things; so it was too hard to keep Boop settled. I finally got her to bed on Saturday. Another good night. She slept for a few longer sessions. I don't remember waking up so much. Sunday, she was a happy baby; much easier to deal with than Saturday. Saturday I nearly lost it, but I even got a nap in on Sunday. On Saturday and Sunday, we watched the Andy Griffith marathon. I tried to keep her from watching much, but I just couldn't resist keeping it on. 

Last night, Sunday night, was another rough one. It was like I could time her. Every 1.5 hours she was waking up and wanting to nurse. So, she woke me up about 8 or 9 times. And so I'm wondering, 'What happens every 1.5 hours?' So, I'm looking at the stages of baby sleep. One piece of news is that babies have longer shallow sleep. So, it takes her about 20 min. to get to deep sleep. In other words, I should avoid trying to transfer her to bed after only being asleep for a few minutes. I kinda knew that, but I didn't realize it was 20 minutes. They return to shallow sleep after... 50-60 minutes. So, it wasn't what I was thinking. It wasn't her waking up from shallow sleep.

An adult sleep researcher probably immediately knew what 90 min. was. It's the adult sleep cycle. Counterintuitively, *I* may be waking Boop up. I'm not sure what to do with that information just yet. The problem is that I have a headache. I can't decide if it's just a standard run-of-the-mill tension headache or something else. It's only on my right side, which could mean ear infection or migraine or both. None is conducive to problem solving.

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