Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stroller Built for Two. 7-14-12

Boop with an Amish child
<actually, it's little H, but I didn't want to post his photo without knowing how S felt>

S invited Boop, Mom, and I out to their farm again for 4th of July. Mom was getting in later, and she wasn’t feeling well with sinus and ear infection. It’s about 45 min. each way. So, we decided that it would be better to just stick around the house. S and I were thinking about going for a walk on the 5th, but it didn’t work out.  We managed to get sorted out for Wednesday.

I had to take off for a few hours to leave early, go pick up Boop at daycare, and make it across town to meet her. Unfortunately, we were a few minutes late. S and her little boy, H, our baby yoga buddies, were waiting for us on the trail. I was hoping that the trail was paved for Boop’s umbrella stroller, but we got a double nice surprise: paved trail and S had a double stroller. Apparently, someone had just given it to her a few days ago. It was perfect for Boop and H. And they did pretty well with it.

S offered to push on the way there, and she said that I could push on the way back. We had a nice chat, and I wasn’t paying enough attention to time. S had to be at work by 5pm, and we probably walked a bit farther than we should have. So, I was hoofing it on the way back. And then Boop and H decided they did not want to ride in the stroller anymore; so we (mostly S) were trying to push and carry babies at the same time. H is about 5 months and just over 16 lbs. Boop was 18.5 lbs. Fortunately, Boop went back into the stroller, and I swear that somehow, they must have added another half mile to the return trip—not sure how that happened. S’s husband met us in the parking lot for a quick switch off so she could make it to work, and J and I tried to figure out how to collapse the stroller with babies in our arms.

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