Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It’s almost 2am. 7-3-12

Boop in action!

The big comparison used to be, ‘What have you accomplished by 9am?’ Well, tonight, I wonder, what have you accomplished by 2am. It is precisely 1:50am. At 12:11am, I looked at the clock. Boop was just waking up. Not bad, I thought. She’s slept for 3 hours straight. Last night, she made it 4 hours. By now, she really should be able to make it 5 hours.  So at 12:11am, I thought, ‘Okay, I’ll nurse her. Hopefully, she can make it until 2am. In my mind, my goal by the end of the week is that she be able to go 2 hrs. between feedings at night. She should be able to do that. I nursed her for about 10-15min. until she falls asleep.  We’re near 12:30am now.

At 1:03am, Boop is back up again. I need to stretch her out. It’s not even been 45min. So, she cries for nearly 15min. until 1:15am. I can’t take it anymore. I pick her up and nurse her. I nurse her for a half hour. I try to get her settled in the portable crib. She’s asleep. There’s a banging outside my back door. I turn on the porch light, but I don’t see anything. Hopefully, it’s something at my neighbor’s. I lay back down.

With this, Winnie gets restless <so what’s new, right? Some days, most days, she drives me bonkers with the scratching, licking, and biting at herself!!>. She gets up and starts wandering around. ‘What’s she doing?,’ I wonder. I’m usually too tired to even bother, but tonight, I’m going to find out as I’m already awake. I hear her rustling. I see her sniffing the bed. She has peed in the middle of the downstairs bed and is now sniffing it. Oh gawd! **Wait, it’s 2:08am. “WINNIE STOP PICKING!!” She’s munching at herself. “WINNIE SETTLE DOWN!!” I don’t want to get up and see her licking her butt. Disgusting, yes, dogs can be disgusting. The toy breeds are terrible about picking at themselves—and the eating of poo and the wallowing in poo.  Have we talked to the vet about these things? Yes, many, many times. Have we tried many things? Yes, we have tried many, many things.**

Back to the dog pee in the bed, so I strip the bed. <Sometimes she will ask to go out, and I hate letting her out in the middle of the night. This problem usually arises because she has better things to do when I ask her to go out before I leave in the morning or before we go to bed. Am I annoyed with the little fart? VERY. > At this point, Boop has been rousing, and that’s it: she’s awake again. I look around to find the Nature’s Miracle to put on the dog pee. Winnie is sitting up in her crate. The baby is crying. I sit down. Might as well nurse Boop some more while I’m awake. I grab my laptop and start to write. Boop falls asleep on her Boppy. Fingers crossed we can make it at least 2 hours. Winnie is snoring away. It’s 2:18am. So, I ask: what have you accomplished before 2:18am? I have done all of the above, and oh yeah, I wrote this blog. It’s going to be a fun day at work tomorrow. **WINNIE STOP IT!! She’s biting at herself again. It’s 2:26am**

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