Monday, July 9, 2012

Way Out There. 7-1-12

I think I’m starting to lose my processing abilities. Lack of sleep is taking its toll, I guess. I’ve been trying to chill at home today, staying in from the heat and just resting. Boop is napping, hallelujah! It only took 45 min. after a bottle of formula to get her settled. However, I’m feeling muddled with some strange thoughts going through my head, and I can’t sleep. Some days I feel like a human pin cushion, absorbing some nasty barbs. Not sure why that is happening today; maybe it’s just the unusual situation of having some time to myself.  Maybe I’m too exhausted to figure out how to respond properly.

Taggie and Froggie: Anything we can find to help her sleep!
Now I’m thinking about peanut butter? Maybe it’s protein that I need. I’m remembering Mr. Peanut from Planters swinging his cane. He’s taunting me a bit because peanuts are a bit of a problem while nursing, I think. And alas, I have no peanuts, anyway. I guess it doesn't do me any good to want something that isn't here. Definitely need sleep.
Mini-Me: She looks just like me at 6 months.


  1. Boop is as cute as can be, but it sounds like you could use some distraction for her (and yourself) too!!!

    1. Indeed, sleep is always a challenge! It amazes me the little ones that sleep through the night. Of course, Boop was doing better at first, sleeping 4-5 hrs, but whatever is going on, teething?, is keeping her up.
