Friday, July 6, 2012

Shake it Off. 6-29-12

It’s been a pretty rough week, to have nothing very serious going on. No new scary diagnoses for Boop, no threat of job loss or major physical problems for me, no family or friends in a truly bad way. It’s just a bunch of little stuff to put me to the tipping point. Pushing hard to get a project done, only to find that I was missing a critical bit of information and having to redo it. Trying to get another grant out this month and trying to get some other projects started. Having trouble with a couple of folks in my employ; sometimes it’s just way easier to do it myself. Going through withdrawal from strictly curtailing my TV viewing time. Seeing a project someone else presented that was very similar to a grant that I wrote before maternity leave. Boop not sleeping well at night. Forgetting stuff for daycare. Boop crying and crying and not feeling right, whether or not I hold her. I took a few afternoons off and still wound up working and not getting anything really done. My <2 year old Bosch fridge is still knocking a few times every hour—and then I got the run around when I tried to take advantage of my warrantee. I had to make 2 trips to the post office because you can’t mail something over 13 oz from home.
Getting dressed...
Had this other stuff not happened, maybe I would be thinking more clearly about this afternoon, maybe.  So, Boop had rubbed her ear a few times in the past week, and I was keeping an eye on it. Today at daycare, when I went to nurse her at lunch, she was really rubbing. I asked her teachers. Yes, one had seen her rubbing her ear earlier. I’m thinking, ‘Oh boy, another ear infection.’ So, I call to get an appointment at the pediatrician. The pediatrician was barely in with us 5 min. She did a quick check of her ears, said she looks fine. I mentioned that she doesn’t seem to be teething; she quickly ran her fingers across her gums and said, nope.  Then, I said she’s been waking up crying about every hour at night. She said, “That must be stressful for you.” I didn’t really process what she said at first, and she was out of the room. Um, what about my daughter? She’s the one that’s not feeling well. Urgh! That visit made things worse.

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