Monday, July 23, 2012

Time to Go Home. 7-21-12

I emailed S to see if she wanted to try to go for another walk. We first planned to meet across town on Thursday, but then she had another idea. She had met someone in yoga and had wanted to get together; what did I think about inviting J and her little boy along? Sounds great, I emailed back, nice to meet other mommies. She knew of a little park on the lake in the next town, closer to J; did I want to try it? Sure, I said, but I can’t leave the office until 2:30pm and then go get Boop.

Then, she emailed back to say that she needed to leave at 4pm—earlier than last time because it was farther from work. I looked up the park on mapquest, and it was a solid 30 min. trip for Boop and I. Uh-oh, I thought. We probably won’t have much time. And so it was. I made good time: left work on time, picked Boop up from daycare quickly, very little traffic, but then I got a little lost. That only cost me a couple of minutes. Then, the swimming area where they were was a good walk from where I parked.

In the end, we only got to talk for about 15 min. before we have to head home. The only walking was back and forth to the car lot. It was a pretty area though. If I have more time, I’d like to go back. Maybe K and I can go back some time. There was a nice walk up to the dam that I would like to try—maybe we’ll even try a dip in the lake. 

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