Tuesday, July 3, 2012

TV is Me. 6-26-12

Guess who got this outfit for Boop.... Yep, me!

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m an avid TV watcher. And to be honest, sometimes it’s on just for the noise. I’m a sitcom addict <RIP Andy Griffith: No other show can compare!>. And it’s been going on for a long time. My imaginary friends were the Brady Bunch. Well, not exactly imaginary friends; they were my imaginary family. Poor Bobby he always had the most trouble. I didn’t have much sympathy for Jan. I thought she was a whiner with a strange accent.

I swore I’d never do it as an adult, but I started to sleep with the TV on. Some really strange things were happening at my previous house that I can’t explain, and so, I started to keep the TV on at night as a distraction. I haven’t really been able to kick the habit. In fact, the sleep loss with pregnancy and now infant have led me to keep the TV on during my sleeplessness.

And so it is with a heavy heart that I begin to limit my TV watching. At 6:45pm, I turned the TV off in the middle of the Daily Show with John Stewart. I did at least finish the Colbert Report. Let me explain this turn of events. I had to log into one of my old email accounts to get my password for the blog. There were about 2 months worth of emails from the SMC’s; the most recent one included a discussion about TV watching. No TV for children under 2 years old says the American Academy of Pediatrics. They think it increases the risk of ADHD, something about processing speeds of the frames in television. We don’t need any more risk factors for ADHD, as busy as she is. I’ll have to figure out how to adjust.

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