Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Taking stock at 6 months old. 7-18-12

Here's what's happening at 6 months old:
Not sure if I've posted this yet. Six months ago today...

  • It's been 6 months, and it still hasn't totally sank in that I have a baby. Of course, when I see Boop at daycare, she definitely feels more 'mine' than any other baby there. But there's still a fair bit of dissociation.
  • Developmentally, she's doing so much: sitting, grabbing at things. She's found her tongue and toes. She can roll over with a little help but hates tummy time. She's still not sleeping well at night. I'm not keen on the idea of sleep training with 'cry it out.' I was reading that although babies no longer cry when CIO sleep training, their cortisol levels (stress hormone) elevate. So, even if she doesn't sound like she's stressed, she still would be.
  • Boop is quite a talker, and she loves to sing. She just doesn't say or sing anything I know, and she hasn't figured out yet that she can sing with me. It's more contrapuntal. She had a few words that I understood before daycare, but I guess it will come back to us. Her cognitive and social skills far outpace her physical skills. But then you have to consider that she's a big girl; so it's going to take her a bit longer to develop the skills and coordination to move that big body around!
  • All the infections have made it rough on us. She's recovering from an ear infection, and she just seems like a different baby: laughing, giggling, fairly easy to console. It makes my life so much easier; I feel much more sane. There are times when she's crying, and I just feel totally panicked, like I'm not going to make it. And it hasn't helped when folks say she's not getting enough to eat. It makes me feel like a bad Mom, like I'm starving my child. My heavens, Boop must be about 19 lbs by now! No, she just needs to get well and stay well.

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