Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Taking Stock at Week 25. 7-11-12

Here's what's happening at 25 weeks old:

  • Tongues are yesterday's news. We aren't so concerned about them anymore. But, toes are IN! Boop is grabbing on them and pulling at them. And we are so excited about grabbing them that sometimes, we forget that we need to keep them down for balance. And so, over Boop topples.
  • Stranger danger appears to be showing up a bit early. She's also having a bit of separation anxiety.
  • Grandma held little Boop all weekend, spoiling my little girl. The daycare teachers loved it when I informed them. Well, not so much loved it as laughed and groaned a bit when I made the announcement. Boop did okay on Monday morning, but by afternoon, she was not a happy camper. 
  • Winnie is on a new dog food without any grain. She's scratching a bit less, maybe.  I don't know, though, she got one of Boop's dirty Pampers and was guarding it; so it may simply have been she was too intent on keeping everyone away from her trophy to take a break to scratch. But, she did wake me up a few times last night scratching.
  • Me, I'm getting a tad more sleep, but I'm pulled in a million different directions at work--not getting my main grant done. I'm having a bit of trouble with focus, but at least I'm not in a sleepy haze.
  • Next week is 6 months!

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