Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Roller Derby Queen. 7-21-12

As I was sitting Boop down in daycare on my way out the door, Boop's teacher said something to the little boys about not messing with Boop's toys. Then, Boop's teacher looked up at me from the floor and said, "The big boys tried twice to take toys away from her yesterday, and she was not having it. She did not let go." I smiled and said, "She's probably got a few pounds on them. If they mess with her, she might try to clobber them!" Of course, Boop is smaller and less mobile then the boys, and I LOVE that she is standing her ground with the big boys--not taking any crap. I think I made some little joke about her building her strength by pulling on Mommy's hair. Whatever it is, it's working. As long as she's not being a bully, we're in good shape. Fortunately, she wasn't initiating the toy taking. There's a time and place for such acts of aggression--like the roller derby. I beam with a little bit of pride, imagining her all grown up, her long brown hair in pigtails, busting heads at the roller derby, maintaining her position at the front of the pack. My mom often said that I left the house looking like a clown. Well, Boop would be able to put my fashion sense to good use. They say you live through your children. Maybe that's what I was really meant to be, a roller derby queen. 
Too sweet to be a bully??

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