Sunday, September 4, 2011

Dos Barcos, Part II. 8-28-11

I was getting nervous. My roomie was sure he wasn't going to show. I got a call. There was some problem with his mother's car, and he wouldn't be able to drive. He would have to take the train. The rest of the group left for dinner. I waited for A. He arrived, frantic and apologetic, speaking faster than his command of English would permit. I was satisfied. We found the train and took the long ride to the Asian side of Instanbul. It was a suburb, much like many other European suburbs I had seen, but it was very different than other places I had been in Turkey. We went to a mall, like American malls, but maybe a little fancier. I was hoping that we were going to get dinner as I hadn't eaten, but I was a little embarrassed to ask.
The center rink of the mall was full of ice skaters as we passed, and then he wanted to take me to Print Temps, the French department store. We walked around and landed in the music section. He was looking for something, I think the soundtrack from the Bodyguard, as he spoke enthusiastically about it, and he wanted me to see it and think of him <such a sentimental romantic but I just lapped it up>. Ultimately, he decided on a tape from Sezen Aksu, Deli Kizin Turkusu.
Then we went to a pub to have a drink. I figured I should order beer since I was in a pub, even though I wasn't much of a drinker. He was surprised at my beer order. TIME OUT, Party Foul! He ordered something non-alcoholic and fruity that was infinitely better, which he shared with me. Downstairs, there were people that I mistakenly noted were dancing. No, no, party foul #2, proper Muslims don't drink beer and they don't dance: they "play." It was arm movements that look like the hands in belly dancing without moving the rest of the body. And it was done while people were sitting down. As we watched, he spoke passionately about the situation in Bosnia, wanting the US to help. <As the Iron Curtain fell, the break-up of Yugoslavia was a mess, as you might recall.> I felt so helpless in the situation.

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