Saturday, September 24, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 22. 9-19-11

Here is what is happening this week:
  • I've started back on the prenatal vitamins that have everything but iron, and I've been tolerating them pretty well, thank goodness! My color looks better, the yellow undertones on my face are back. The angular chelitis seems to be almost gone. My stomach seems to be doing better; although I do have a fair bit of nausea here and there. My weight gain has been steady, and little Boop is getting stronger.
  • Sleep continues to be an issue. Poor Winnie is having a hard time and is driving me a little bonkers with her scratching, biting, and licking. I hate to put her on Benadryl as it knocks her out, but she just seems miserable. Hopefully, our trip back to the groomer will help a little, and I can give a little Benadryl this evening. Other than that, it was not a quiet night, or weekend for that matter :(
  • I looked up what is happening at Week 22, and they didn't mention much, except for a growing baby. I'll take that! Of course, that also means that I'm growing, but it's for a good cause. They did mention that babies develop their sense of touch during this time, and that babies can even grab on their umbillical cord. That's cool. I just wish that so many other people weren't yanking my chain <hwah, hwah>.

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