Saturday, September 17, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 21. 9-12-11

Here is what it going on with me at Week 21:
  • Where, oh where, has my short-term memory gone? I have the memory of a gnat. I'm walking through life in a hazy sort of cloud. I went too long without eating today; so I was really feeling out of it. I went to the restroom before lunch today, and I almost fell on my head! At least I haven't been ruminating as much.
  • I had a bit of a scare over the weekend... I couldn't feel Boop moving! I had been out running around looking at furniture, getting groceries, and such, and I came home and no Boop! So, I tried calling my mom first. Then, I called my aunt D. Aunt D who poo-poo'ed it a bit and said, 'She's just resting.' And then she told me about how one of her boys had been like that. After I finished talking to D and Mom, Boop started up again. Whew! That's the worry of an active baby... when they aren't active, you think something is wrong. She's sure making herself known now :) I could see my arm jump as it was laying across my bump using the remote control. She's getting so strong, and it's so early!
  • I got a call from the midwife's office; they need profile views of Boop at my next visit. To be honest, the full frontal facial views were a little disturbing. I could see her mouth moving, and her eyes were wide open. You could see the stelate pattern of her iris. She looked like a more cherubic version of The Scream. The ultrasonagrapher thought that maybe she was sucking on her wrist. Of course, I'll think she's the best thing since sliced bread, even if she does come out looking like something from Munch.

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