Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dos Barcos que Pasan en la Noche, Part I. 8-28-11

Munching on Lokum (Turkish Delights) on the "Orient Express"
So, I've written about a few of the ones that were not for me. I guess it's only fair to write about one who I was quite partial to. The first thing I saw was the most adorable blonde-haired little boy. Next I saw him, with his dishwater blonde hair. Imagine a light-haired Adrien Brody. He was ethnically Bosnian and taking his little nephew out to play at the park. I was observing interpersonal touching behavior in Turkish parks. Although trying to be inconspicuous, I was clearly a Westerner, with my fair skin and being... an unaccompanied woman <gasp>.  He came and sat down on the park bench beside me and began to chat, asking how long I would be in Turkey. I told him I would be there just a couple more days, and he looked disappointed. Then, the soccer game the next night popped into my mind; would he be interested in going? He agreed. Yes! Had I planned to go before he agreed? Nope!
I was so excited about the soccer game. He walked in, still in his pin-striped suit from work, long blue wool coat and silk scarf. His only betrayal was a pair of white tube socks in his wing tips :) We were lucky to learn about the game from a local. He was explaining to the group how we had to root for "Chim-boom-boom", and he bought me a styrofoam for those rough stadium benches and a red and gold rope to wear in support of the team. The game was going along well enough, when all of the sudden, we heard a group of men shout in a jeer to the other team, "F*** you." I looked at A: "Did they say??" He laughed and nodded his head, 'yes.' It's good to know that the finer points of American culture had reached the Turks. I guess the F-bomb is internationally recognized.
He was adorable, and my fellow travelers approved, with maybe even a hint of jealousy from some parts... He invited me out the next night to his neighborhood on the Asian side of Istanbul, which got a thumbs up from my fellow travelers and was readily accepted by me.

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