Saturday, September 3, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 19. 8-29-11

·         I have a taste for water again. I was also doing pretty well with Welch's grape with fiber. I haven't needed Colace for a few days. Although I have bouts of nausea, I haven't had to resort to meds. So, it's just been the prometrium.
·         Sleep is variable. Strange dreams continue. I had a very scary dream about these 2 vampires. They were trying to get into my house to suck the life out of me. It's surprising how well I remember my dreams these days, but it may mean that I'm waking up a lot.
·         Boop’s kicks and thrashings are unmistakable now. Talked to Mom to ask about what the sensation of kicking, and she said she wasn't sure. Of course, every other person I talk to asks me about kicking and say how unforgettable it is. <Yep, I'm an alien child...> It feels a bit like gas bubbles moving around. The other sensations must have been ligament pain from my expanding belly. Little Boop must rarely sleep. It took me a while to realize these sensations were kicking. I just assumed they were GI related.
·         Countdown to ultrasound... 3 more days! I just added a couple of mom's friends to my list of friends. How many women have gone through these ultrasounds before? Scads! How many times have I had a 2nd trimester ultrasound? Just once. So, it feels like a really big deal. I hope everything is okay.