Thursday, September 29, 2011

Unremarkable. 9-29-11

Boop Profile with Foot
I brought a long list of stuff for the midwife, and she pulled together a bunch of potential resources (massage therapist, yoga class, La Leche League, etc.). We forgot information on a doula, but I still have a little time to work on that, I think ;) Boop's heart rate was 148 bpms. And Boop was kind enough not to kick the midwife while she was listening with the Doppler this time. I thought we made it through relatively unscathed (and was mentioning it to the midwife), until Boop gave the midwife a swift kick as she was wiping off the ultrasound jelly.
As I took my papers up front, I asked about the ultrasound. Apparently, I was supposed to have the ultrasound first, before seeing the midwife. They worked me in quickly, though. And I was keeping my fingers crossed that Boop would let us get a profile shot. Different ultrasonagrapher this time. I think they wanted to check for cleft lip; although, it's isolated cleft palate that runs on my mom's side, hard to see on ultrasound.

Boop Playing Peep Eye with My Internal Organs
Little arms and legs were flying around, and Boop was flipping all over the place. Triumph. We got Boop's profile! Fortunately, the ultrasonagrapher moved quickly, but there were more than a few blurry shots. This time, instead of her hands, Boop had her foot beside her head. She's getting to be a big girl: 1lb. 7oz. The ultrasonagrapher typed: "Unremarkable lips and nose." Good to hear, although as Mom, I think my Boop is pretty remarkable ;)

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