Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween. 10-31-11

I started with a bowl of chili about 5:30pm. I couldn't find my spider rings and pencils to give away with the candy, but at least, I did have a bag with 70 pieces of candy. I tried to find other things in case I ran out of candy. At some point this year, I had bought some little bottles of bubbles and figured I could give them out if I got in a candy pinch. Then, I put Winnie's pumpkin costume on her. At 6pm, I started my second bowl of chili, and each bite was punctuated by trick-or-treaters.

Winnie was loving all of the little ones coming to our kitchen French doors. With no steps, Winnie could walk right out to the ledge and was the same height, if not taller, than some of the trick-or-treaters. The kids, for the most part, loved it too. Her pumpkin outfit was a hit. Best count, I had 65 trick-or-treaters in 1.5 hours. About half of those gave Winnie a little pat. This was a bit slow compared to last year. I figure the cold, dark, and light rain kept a lot of trick-or-treaters home--or at least encouraged them to wrap up a bit earlier. Lots of princesses, fairies, zombies, and action figures. Mom has been working on Boop's outfit for next Halloween for about the last couple of months. I bet she'll have something for Boop come this weekend.

I dressed Boop like a lobster, but perhaps not convincingly. I was dressed in black, and folks may not have realized I was pregnant. Unfortunately, my outdoor stairs aren't finished for my kitchen, which caused a couple of problems. For one, the trick-or-treaters kept going to the other door. For another, it was tricky getting the candy into the bags of some of the little ones. Some of the toddlers didn't understand to lift up or open up their bags; so I was trying to squat down to reach them. Pregnant woman trying to stoop and lean without toppling over. It wasn't pretty. But one good thing: it was nice in that Winnie could go right up to the kids and get lots of attention.

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