Saturday, November 12, 2011

Discombobulated. 11-8-11

I was really struggling this morning. I slept in until after 6am and had to get going for class. After having breakfast and trying to get myself up and moving, I figured I'd get a bagel with tofu cream cheese for a mid-morning snack. I popped the bagel in the toaster. I kept smelling something cooking. I took a shower. I got dressed. I kept smelling something cooking. I walked into the kitchen. A VERY done bagel. I tossed it and started another. I was running late. I arrived 8 minutes late to class, and one of my students had left the class to call out the search party. So, we started the class with a very honest assessment of the state of affairs. I'm just hoping I can make it through. The class was good about it and are really hoping I can finish the term. We only have a few more classes, thank goodness! So, we wound up running over on class time, which I really hate. I hate being late--late to start and late to end.
After class, I stayed later to work with a student. I should have left and went directly to the meeting at the homeless shelter, but I HAD to eat. So I stopped by the house to warm up some left over Chinese. The Doctors was on. And out of the corner of my eye... Seriously, is that a pregnant woman Pole Dancing? Why yes, yes it is a very large pregnant woman, bigger than me, Pole Dancing. Well, I guess there are some guys that go for that sort of thing. I was chatting with my friend M about a situation with a family friend who offered his services, and she was telling me that she saw some ads for guys who had a thing for fat, pregnant chicks. The chat just went downhill from there. I didn't think to ask her if they were looking for fat, pregnant women that did pole dancing... And so, as discombobulated as I was, I was late to the meeting at the shelter. Fortunately, I was more on time than most of the others ;)

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