Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sitting. 11-4-11

I crashed about 7:30 or 8pm last night, was up again about midnight, and then got a bit more sleep. I'm feeling a bit better this morning after a chaotic night the night before last. The iron supplements are taking their toll. Lots of unpleasant GI problems, but I'm doing alright. Boop is her usual busy self. I felt her wiggling around at midnight and then a few hours later. Maybe I'm imagining things, but when I started talking to her and rubbing my bump, she seemed to settle right down. Neither alone seemed to settle her. Well, maybe she just has good focus. Of course, ADHD is on my mind, as I have cousins with it, but maybe she will just be active with good concentration.
I went to a session at work on childcare yesterday. So many problems. Sometimes I feel like I've landed on a different planet. I've already lamented about my worries with lack of adequate daycare. The director of the daycare near my house was at the session, too. There's no inside track, unfortunately. She was very frustrated at the delays herself and would love for them to open a couple more of the daycares. A woman at the meeting was 10 wks pregnant and was 67 on the wait list at the daycare by me. I'm probably at 40 or 50 on the waiting list, and I'm 7 months pregnant. The woman and her husband also have a 2 year old. They were so upset about the daycare their daughter was in, and they had a really bad impression of the one that is a fallback option for Boop. They have also had some challenges with work. They are considering a group-share nanny/sitter. So, we exchanged names, and hopefully, we can get a small group together to manage it.

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