Friday, November 4, 2011

I Started It. 10-30-11

Of course, I had to go and show my mom what I bought for Boop. She saw the little chubby cheeked cherub who was modeling Boop's red beanie. And then she had a good look at the website. She was ooing and ahhing. I had sent her the link for Zulily long ago when they had some adorable pink cowboy boots, but she said she didn't bother looking at the time. She didn't want to deal with the password issue. In retrospect, that was a good thing. At least craigslist requires a bit more thought and planning. Being able to point and click is dangerous!
So the next morning after I bought goodies for Boop, I got a call from Mom. "Take a look at these clogs, and tell me what you think." I figured it was something for Boop, but it turns out it was for Boop's momma (me). I tried to talk her out of it <okay, so it was a very weak attempt.>, but she explained that Christmas was right around the corner. And, after all, I would get the $15 giftcard for my next purchase. She saw a few things for Boop, too, but they were a bit too old for her yet. We reasoned that in 2 years, some of the things would be a bit out of style.
And so it begins, and I know I started it. Mom had mentioned that she had talked to Aunt D and had showed her the photo on the website. Aunt D was already well aware ;) Apparently, she's been doing a bit of online shopping for our own little Boop herself, and Mom hinted that Aunt D had found a few things... How spoiled our little Boop will be! I cautioned Mom that Boop could turn out to be a tomboy and not care so much about tutus, bows and frilly dresses and that we would have to accept it. She didn't think that was possible.

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