Sunday, November 20, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 30. 11-14-11

Here's what's happening at Week 30:
  • Finally, this sinus infection is starting to ease. I woke up this morning and no choking. I got almost 7 hrs of sleep and only woke up about 6 times. It's been pretty quiet, which I really appreciate :) My head is feeling a bit clearer, thankfully.
  • Keeping busy trying to get the house sorted out. I have so many more things on my list to get done. I can't wait to start getting to baby stuff and decorating... the fun part :)
  • Not much new happening with Boop. According to the websites, more weight, a tad more length, and more brain development. She's moving around a fair amount. I need to get my little video camera set up so that I can record her movement. The only problem is that when I pull up my shirt to see her movement better, she stops. I think she feels a gush of cold air and bit more light and hunkers down.
  • I need to call to figure out more about birthing classes. They have 2 types: one each evening for a week or a long weekend session. But the truth is: I really won't need to worry about standard birthing methods. I've decide that I'm so big now that all someone really needs is a pin. Someone will just tap me in the abdomen with a pin, and the baby will come out, like the air coming out of a balloon. If that doesn't work, the midwife can give me a tap in the right place, and my sweetness will come out, just like candy from a pinata. I would prefer the pin option, of course.
  • Have mercy!

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