Saturday, November 26, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 31. 11-21-11

Here's what's happening at Week 31:
  • Almost 8 months pregnant, WOW! And people say that I look like I could go any minute. I'm a BIG momma, and it's really quite disconcerting. I don't really get hungry, but when I eat, everything else seems to fade into the background. Perhaps it's Zen? Really hard to carry on dinner conversations.
  • Sleep is getting to be more of a challenge. My hips get really sore from sleeping on one side. And my sinus infection hasn't really gone away. I don't know if it's worth another course of antibiotics. I've had 2 courses of antibiotics since pregnant. With each additional time, I feel like I'm pressing my luck more and more. And I have to go to the bathroom about every 2 hours. If you can't reach me <like just a minute ago>, I was visiting the ladies room ;)
  • Mom said that Winnie looks thinner, but she says that every time we see her. When Aunt M said it, I thought I should double check. Unfortunately, they were right. More than a finger between her rib cage and belly. So, I'll give Winnie a week to fatten up a bit, and if she doesn't seem better, she's off to the vet. At least I have a little time to spoil her a bit.

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