Friday, May 11, 2012

Decision for Treatment. 5-5-12

Boop in her sling from D

How do you decide when to seek care for your little one? When they are old enough to talk, they can tell you that something is wrong. When they aren’t, it’s much more difficult. A fever of 100+ is a good sign. The pediatric nephrologist told us to go to the ER if she was congested and had a temperature of 100.5 or more. At that point, they should start her on antibiotics and do a urine culture. I hate the urine culture because it means another catheter. Plus, Boop may be having UTI’s without a fever.

Boop didn’t take her medicine the night before last, after we got back from the party. She was upset, and in my haste, I don’t think I shook her medicine well enough. She kept wincing. Last night, she did take her medicine, which made me feel better. Then, we finally settled down. Boop has had a bit of a cold, and she sounds congested when lying down. All of the sudden, I heard a very productive cough and felt wet and then more. I turned on the light. Boop was vomiting for the first time.  My immediate thought: UTI. I took her temperature: 97.5. We’re probably okay. I called Mom. She thought it didn’t merit a trip, either.

This morning, I changed her diaper. Bright yellow. Hm. I debated about whether to go to the pediatrician. They open at 9am, I think, for walk-ins today. Another yellow diaper. She feels okay. Then a normal wet diaper. I also saw some bright yellow on the kitchen sink. Maybe it’s the medicine making it yellow. So, I guess I’ll wait and see how things go…

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