Monday, May 7, 2012

Heart of the Matter. 5-2-12

It would have to rain this morning. It was really pouring down. This was the earliest morning I've gotten out with Boop--other than the flight back from NOLA. I had a meeting with my mentor at 8:30am and wanted to bring Boop to show her off. We were also going to leave after the meeting and go get the tests done at a local hospital. My mentor asked how I was doing and doted on Boop a bit. She said we looked good. 30 lbs down, 20 lbs to go. Although I had sent an email of updates on Boop's health situation, I was giving her details about the test yesterday and how stressful it was. And then I reflected, "You know with all of these problems, I'm wondering if it’s syndromal. But she really doesn't look particularly dysmorphic." She cracked up, "I was thinking the same thing, the geneticist in me, but she looks good."

After a bit of shop talk, I finished up with my mentor and headed over to the local hospital. Thankfully, it stopped raining, but I would have traded for sun before my meeting and rain after my meeting. When we got there, they called the pediatrician to resend the tests. X-rays. Then, I worried about mutagens with our family history. Boop is getting a fair bit of radiation to be so young. I called the pediatricians office. Nope, they couldn't do ultrasound for these due to her age. <Well, future Boop reading this, I tried to prevent the exposure.>

Boop was in good spirits, and her smile was like a little magnet. I also got lots of compliments on her little sweater that M sent us with the matching Rome dress. Folks swore it had to be handmade. <I checked later. It was Gymboree.> They took us back for the x-rays, and she was still doing great. Donning my lead dress, the nurse and I held her down, and she did great. Not a whimper. Then, I put her clothes back on. Good. I started to put her in her car seat. That's when she started to cry. So I carried her. The folks said 3-5 days for the radiologists to review the films and send a report. That was reassuring. If they saw something, I told myself, then they would be moving faster. Boop cried again as soon as I put her back in her car seat, and we headed to daycare. 

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