Sunday, May 13, 2012

First Mother's Day. 5-11-12

This is a very strange turn of events. It's kind of like bizarro world. I'm a mother, and I'm getting things on Mother's Day. All of these years, it's been me trying to do something nice for the ladies in my family. My grandmas and great grandmas have passed, and I still try to do little things for my aunts as I can. However, most of my energy and dollars these days go to my little Boop. I did remember my mother with flowers, but I wasn't expecting anything for myself at this stage.
From S and S
From Mom

I was thinking about what it might be like for Boop to get me presents. And then I thought back about how I thought I was such a big girl getting my parents presents. My parents gave me a few dollars when I was 5 or 6 years old, and they gave me so long (maybe a half hour) alone in the drugstore to pick out presents. You can't really do that now because there are so many crazies, but back then I was very excited. I felt such a responsibility, and the longer I looked, the more stressed I got. I had to find just the right thing! I came away with a hot pink feather duster for my mom. I thought it was so pretty, so soft, and it looked like the mommies I saw on TV. I knew she would love it! My dad took one look at it and cracked up; my dad generally thought everything I did was adorable at that age. "Are you sure that's what you want to get your mommy?" "Yes, Daddy, I looked all over the WHOLE store, and I want her to have this." My dad knew this would go over like a lead balloon. Of course, she opened the hot pink feather duster and LOVED it. But strangely enough, it seems like not long after that, Mom made a rule that she was to get nothing for the house as a present. It had to be a personal present. So the next year, she got some stinky perfume that I thought was just fabulous! 
From Boop

And so, yesterday, I got my first Mother's Day present. Some lovely daisy's from my friends S and S, and Boop watched as I put them into the vase. That was so nice and so unexpected! Mom said she got her flowers from me yesterday, too. She also hinted that I would be receiving more flowers :) What a lucky mommy I am! What's more, at daycare, they had a special breakfast this morning for mommies. And then I got my first art project from my little girl, a bit misty-eyed as I relate. It was a paper with orange and purple finger paint flowers in a red pot. There was a photo of my Boop making it, a photo of me holding her, with a sweet little poem. It was laminated, too. Onto the fridge it will go, but after that, I'm going to need to do some thinking about what's best to do with it. It's her first one; so I may have to frame it :)