Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pediatrician Visit. 5-24-12

We actually made it to the pediatrician visit on time for our 8:30 appointment, but the pediatrician was held up at the hospital. It was time for Boop’s 4 Month Well-Child Visit. And, she was a well child J First, were measurements. Weight: 15.5 lbs., Height: 29.5 inches. Her legs are still bowed a bit. So, what do those measures mean? She’s at the 50th %ile for height, which is average. Good. And weight? Well, my little chunk is at THE 90th %ile!! A rough explanation of that means that only about 10% of babies her age are heavier than her. Or to put it another way: if you took 100 4 month old babies, only about 10 of them would weigh more than my precious pot belly.
Boop's 1st cereal was a big hit! She tried to 'help' me.

Everything seemed fine on her exam. All was normal. I asked her about cereal, and she was fine writing me a script for Boop to have a bowl of rice cereal at daycare each day. That takes a little pressure off me, and she will hopefully sleep a bit better. It will be interesting to try and feed her, though. As to the evening crying spells, the pediatrician thought it might be teething, but it’s hard to know. She said it was okay to give Tylenol if she responded to that. I asked about breastfeeding and meds. She said 3 were fine; so that was good news. And then the worst part, the shots. She did fine though. I left her sleeping in her crib at daycare, wondering if I would need to go back to give her more Tylenol. 

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