Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Taking Stock at 16 Weeks Old. 5-9-12

Here's what's happening at 16 weeks old:
After the Ortho visit:
Get this baby home; she's about to wail! 

  • Well, it looks like the radiologist created a lot of extra stress for no reason. Her heart is fine. Her hip looks okay. The time we’ve wasted (our orthopedist appointment was at 2:30pm today; we didn’t go back until after 4pm and left at 5pm) and the extra radiation exposure to Boop :(
  • The orthopedist wants to see her back in a few months for another x-ray to double check her hip. Her feet still turn inwards, just like mine did when I was little. I wore corrective shoes. The orthopedist told me to put her shoes on the wrong feet to correct it! He looked at her thumbs and told me to move it out with my hand, which Mom and I have already been doing.
  • My check up with the NP went okay. She thought I just had an abrasion and that it wasn’t thrush. She left it open for me to call if I wanted a script. With Boop on antibiotics, I’m keeping an eye on it.  (Some of the folks on the LLL thought it sounded like thrush.)
  • I was telling the NP how much I was pumping: 3 sessions of about 30 min. each per day. I told her I was only getting 4 oz. She repeated, “4 oz.” and added, “each time,” as she was making notes. “No, 4 oz. total all day.” She seemed surprised but checked herself. She ordered thyroid and prolactin. I think they are both fine. I wouldn’t be able to do anything about prolactin anyway.
  • Winnie is due for a vet appointment. Her rabies vaccine is expiring. Plus, she has a number of other shots due in June. Might as well get them all at once if they will let us.

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