Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Taking Stock at 15 Weeks Old. 5-1-12

Here's what's happening at 15 weeks old:
  • We survived the VCUG. It seems like a form of torture. I don't know if many adults could tolerate it. First, she had to strip down. Second, they put in the catheter. Unfortunately, they didn't give her any tylenol or any meds of any kind--no pain meds, nothing to relax her :( Then, they started strapping her down. They secured her arms beside her head with a band. They strapped her to a table. She screamed and screamed and screamed. It was heartbreaking. Next, they started to take x-rays. The catheter came out. Everything stopped. They undid her from the waist down and had to put a new catheter in. Back went the straps, and they started again. After a few minutes, they started turning the board to move her around in the air. The actual films didn't take that long, but the whole procedure was pretty traumatic. Bless her heart. Level 2, whew! But on both sides.
  • Next, we went to the kidney specialist. They took her vitals first, and she was so upset that her blood pressure was 124/100! The doctor came in a bit later, and he said that Boop has a mild form of vesicoureteral reflux. However, she does have reflux on both sides, which increases the risk for complications. No surgery! I started with the questions: "Aren't antibiotics controversial?" "Yes, she can still get UTI's, but it helps some children." "Does she need probiotics?" "No, it shouldn't affect her. This is a very mild level of antibiotics." Our instructions are to take a maintenance dose of antibiotics for 1 year; go to the ER if she has a fever of 100.5 degrees, start antibiotics, and check for UTI; and go back to see the specialist in 1 year. At that point, we will reevaluate her kidneys. He sent us off to get some blood tests. Boop had to get harassed a bit more.

Done with the Doctor

  • I took Boop on to daycare and came back to work. I knew Mom would want to know what was going on; so I called her to give her the report. As I was wrapping up my tale, another call came in. I switched over, and it was the pediatrician's office. I was expecting to hear what I already knew--that Boop had VCUG. It really wasn't registering what the nurse was saying at first. The radiologist saw something on the x-ray, and Boop needs to have more tests. I needed to take Boop to the hospital to have them done. At that point, it was registering... "Can you give me some idea of what they are going to looking at?" "The radiologist thought she may have hip dysplasia and an enlarged heart, but it could just be positioning. She just wanted her to get checked out." Oh boy. In my mind, I'm going through all of the things that could have caused it. I only had her in the Baby Bjorn for about 15-30min. one time. I don't think that did it. But there are things that seem consistent. She likes to be held in the fetal position while we're standing up. She doesn't like to be held sitting down. I did a quick look at Wikipedia. Those contraptions look just awful to treat hip dysplasia...
  • And how am I doing through this? I'm feeling totally exhausted after this morning, but I'm relying on my natural inclination to go through mental checklists. This first, this next, don't forget this. My hair is falling out--probably not due to the stress, more likely due to post pregnancy hair loss and my psoriatic arthritis. One of my knees is in pretty bad shape. I don't know how I'll make it if I have to be back on crutches. I'm calling the rheumatologist now.

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