Sunday, May 6, 2012

Headed North. 5-2-12

Another photo waiting at the Market--looks like a different child

Last weekend, before I left, sleep was a challenge for all of us. Mom can’t sleep without TV and likes it quite loud. I usually sleep with the TV on but keep the sound down. Aunt D can’t sleep with the TV on. Mom had the TV loud, and when I saw she was well asleep, I got up and turned the TV off. I got out first thing in the morning to bring them breakfast in bed, sort of. At least they didn’t have to get dressed.

Then, we started to try to get things together. I tried to get as many thank you notes out as possible. Finding addresses has been the biggest problem. <If you haven’t received a note from me, I’m still working on them.>  Mom wound up taking a couple of the notes to find addresses for me. I hope she is able to send them. Aunt D and I also worked on the back mirror so I could see Boop’s face. Unfortunately, it had a suction cup, and it kept falling down.

Soon, we got on the road. Boop was in tears. At least I could watch her until she fell asleep, which wasn’t long.  Then, the mirror fell off again. Otherwise, we made it the 2.5 hours home without much trouble. 

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