Thursday, May 24, 2012

Taking Stock at Boop’s Week 18. 5-23-12

Here’s what’s happening at Week 18:
  • Still no floor in the living room. Well, not one that we could use, anyway. All of my stuff is still crammed everywhere. Makes it hard to live. More on this later.
  • Boop is due for her 4 month check-up. We’re scheduled for first thing tomorrow morning. I think we’re on the right track. Hopefully, she’ll get a good report. I bet she’s in the 75th percentile for height and weight. She’s a big girl.
  • One thing to discuss at the pediatrician is what kind of meds I can take with breastfeeding. My knee is starting to swell and my 2nd toe on my right foot is looking like dactylitis. It’s looking red, but it’s not full tilt Vienna sausage looking toe, yet. None of the med options are particularly good. But I need to do something because I can’t be on crutches and take care of her.

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