Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Graduation. 5-13-12

Boop wasn’t having a good morning. She kept crying, “Bwool,” which I think means bottle, and she did NOT want to nurse. Maybe she’s getting used to having formula at daycare in the morning. Unfortunately, her bwools were all in the dishwasher. I got her calmed down after rocking her a bit, and she fell asleep.

Great, I thought, I can make lactation cookies while she’s sleeping! I was making good progress until I dropped eggs on the floor from the neighbor’s hens. That woke her up, and she wouldn’t calm down. So, I gave up on the cookies until later, right before my helper came.  I was grateful when she arrived so that I could finish getting ready. It was our school’s graduation day, and we are required to attend. I wish I felt more connected to the students, but I only knew one of them. That would make the 3 hours go faster.
Mommy ticklin' Boop's belly

I got out the door and down to the venue to be there by 4pm. We had to be there an hour before the event. It’s a lot of standing around, fiddling with hoods, hunting down bobby pins, checking that your tassel is on the right side, and such. It’s nice to touch base with folks, and several asked after my little Boop, especially with the crazy health scares we had. Folks are in good spirits, enjoying the end of school, even if we do have to keep working through the summer. Then we lined up by responsibility and rank, made sure everyone had a seat, and clapped for the students as they paraded by. They put us up on stage instead of the students, which is a bit unfortunate. Finally, we made it through the nearly 100 graduates, and I did not stick around for the reception. It was already 7pm. With that I decided to make a quick trip to the grocery and made a mad dash to get a few essentials. Boop was happily waiting with my helper, who always seems to have a wealth of patience for my little Boop.

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