Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bed Warmer. 7-28-11

I was a little later than usual getting up this morning to go to the bathroom. I slept in until nearly 4am! I must have been exhausted after all of my running yesterday: finally got my car registered on my 3rd trip, went to the doctor, and hit a few stores. Actually, it's a little easier when I wake up around 2 or 3am because then I can go back to sleep.  
So, I came back from the bathroom, and Winnie was nowhere to be seen. I wondered if maybe she went down stairs. I lifted up the sheets and saw a little black ball under my body pillow. Nope, too close for a paw punch. I pulled a sleepy Winnie out from under the pillow. She wiggled away. Then, she lay <that doesn’t look like the write word, but Word assures me it is!> on top of my body pillow. That wouldn't work either. I tried to get her up again, but I was pressing my luck. She had a tantrum, and I told her to go get in her crate. A little while later, when she realized there was no treat awaiting her in the crate, I guess, she came back upstairs and hopped up on the trunk at the foot of the bed and slept in the blanket there. There was really no going back to sleep at that point.
Fortunately, that went a little better than last night. Winnie was playing and is used to just jumping where she wants. So, I was in the way of her toy, and a paw landed full force near my pelvis, right where the midwife finally found the heartbeat. I was a bit freaked out and scolded Winnie a bit for what she did. And to her it probably sounded like, "Blah, blah, blah" in an angry tone. She knew I was upset with her, but I'm sure she had no clue what about. It was a little after 5pm, and so I called the midwives’ office and left a message just to double check. They also haven't given me the results of my urine test. This is feeling a little too familiar. Hopefully, they'll call me back today to check in.  

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