Monday, August 29, 2011

Attention. 8-21-11

Almost 18 Weeks                                             
There's no avoiding it. I get a lot of attention these days. I tend to keep to myself, but there is no denying one important fact: I'm pregnant. And I'm big. Yes, I am really only 18 weeks pregnant. No, I'm not expecting twins. They've looked 3 times. Just one baby. One big baby. And I had a heck of a time trying to get ready for the dinner last night. I'm amazed I was still able to get into my size 4 dress. Fortunately, it was almost empire waisted, but you could see my huge bump. I couldn't help but laugh at myself.
When I came in to the dinner, my boss's boss greeted me, solicitous about how I was doing. I hadn't told her, but I guess the writing was on the wall ;) Frankly, I was more concerned about her. Her daughter, about my age, is a very advanced Stage 4 and declining fast. She had emailed us to explain that she really needed to focus on work while she was here and didn't want to discuss her family situation. I felt so awkward in the greeting. On personality tests, I'm at the extreme end, very high in empathic concern. So, it's very hard for me to switch out of that gear.
And Boop is an immediate ice breaker. People always have something to talk to me about being pregnant. That makes it easier when meeting a lot of new people. No one has touched or rubbed my belly, yet, but I know it's coming. I'm feeling a little spoiled by all of the people holding the doors a little extra long, greeting me with big smiles, calling me honey and sweety, making sure I get plenty to eat, and such. Hm, maybe this extra attention isn't such a bad thing :)


  1. 1) Size 4? You are tiny! You look beautiful by the way!
    2) When I was pregnant with #1 I worked....the last month I wanted a t-shirt that read (b/c these are the questions you will get asked, always in this order):
    -I'm due on such and such date
    -Yes, I'm feeling good
    -It's a boy
    -The name is xxxxx.
    -No, it's not a family name.
    -Thanks for you concern, but trust me, I want to have this baby sooner than you! (they always say, wow, you're still here!! You're about to explode...or something similar)

  2. My top says size 4, ah but my hips...don't lie!
    Yeah, we've just had 2 people deliver in the past month. I'm already getting the 1st 4, with the addition of surprise that I'm only as far as I am and the question about twins.
