Friday, August 5, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 15. 8-1-11

Here is where I am at Week 15:
·         Glen Campbell? I keep having his songs go through my head, but I don't know all the lyrics to Southern Nights. Da da da da da...
·         Morning sickness? Yes, still. I feel like a human garbage disposal. As long as I'm actively eating, I can keep it at bay. <The midwife said I only gained a half a pound!!> And Angular cheilitis. Maybe they'll both go away at the same time. No spotting, hurray!
·         It's all about cucumbers. Cucumbers with salt. And I'm cooking a fair bit. I've been reading a lot of The reviews tickle me, '5 out of 5 stars. This recipe was great! I changed every other ingredient. Our family loved it!' The berry crisp with mayonnaise was easy and quite tasty... only I added cherries :)
·         Finding maternity clothes has been a bear. It would be easier not to cross my legs if I weren't wearing dresses. I guess I'm lucky that I have dresses that I can wear. Maybe I'll head out of town this week and find some things.
·         Wondering how I'm going to teach a new course in the spring term. I'm expecting January 19th, but the class starts the week before. And then, it's going to take me some time to recuperate, especially if I have to have a C-section... 8 weeks, I think. So, I'm scrambling to do research. Hm.


  1. K, I know it will be very different at your university, but I so worried over leave that I made myself sick, and it was so easy that I couldn't believe it. It turns out (here) that we can take the 12 weeks of FMLA PAID because we have sick time. I had to send a written request every 30 days to have it extended, but that was it after the original FMLA paperwork was submitted (which I did in month 7!). Then, I knew S would be born on Tuesday, November 6 (scheduled C because first one was emergency C--though there were several times we thought they would have to take her early because of my blood pressure), so I worked up until the Friday before (though I rested more than worked at that point). For my classes, my department said they would hire an adjunct at a pro-rated per class basis, and I interviewed and hired her myself (a graduate student). She used my syllabus and assignments and just met the class and followed through. Then at the end of the semester, she drove out to my house and we did grades together and I posted them from home. I worried and worried about all of this but the minute I talked to HR and the DC, it was all double rainbows. I had no idea I could take three months off PAID, and I was in the tenure-track then, and it didn't even affect my tenure eligibility or anything. Just make sure to talk to the people who actually have answers instead of rumors!!!! :O)

    BTW, I read Allrecipes at least once a week! LOL

  2. Well, a number of people stepped in to help me, but it was a tough battle. Yes, there was a legal issue there... I'm very fortunate for folks having my back!
