Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kissed a lot of Frogs, Part III. 7-10-11

Writing about some of the duds I've dated makes me feel better about my decision to move forward with trying to be a single mother. I'll wrap up these stories with a guy I dated for about a year. Maybe I’m giving away too many details in too public of a venue. You're never sure in these situations quite what to think; at least, he was honest about being in a less-than-ideal situation.

In the back of my mind, I had this strange feeling that he knew a little bit too much about me at times and seemed to anticipate conversations we would have. It didn't help that he specialized in audio recording equipment, and relating the details of incidents, my psychologist was concerned. And then there were his discussions about his awkward situation with a Musician. He said that she thought they were dating, but he tried to get out of activities with her. I told him that he needed to be honest with her.

Fast forward to a conference in California. One evening, I went out with some students to a nice hotel bar. One of the students was hesitant about Internet dating. We were going around relating our experiences, saying that we had met some nice guys. I gave her some general info about the guy I was dating. She said, "Wait, that sounds just like my mom's boyfriend!" I was a little shaken, but I thought, 'Uh oh, I had better warn him.' So, I sent him a little email to give him a heads up. It really didn't bother me that he might be dating us at the same time. We never said we were exclusive. I wasn't...

I didn't think much of the situation until I saw his reaction, totally out of proportion to what I said. To be honest, I had been losing steam on the relationship for a few months. Job stress, the creepy stuff seemed to be increasing, and the relationship didn't really seem to be going anywhere. Plus, he blew up at me, which told me there was more to the situation than I knew. We just ended it at that point. And so I'm going to end my discussion of frogs here. Maybe I'll write about the guy who practically tried to mount me in the appliance section at Sears someday <many interesting fellows>, but I really need to stop. I'm just digging my hole deeper.

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