Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sugar Baby. 8-3-11

I've clearly missed my calling. I frequently have misgivings about my chosen career path, especially as the negative grant reviews come in. Why didn't they have Sugar Babies when I was in school? I'm still paying on my college loans! The only thing they had when I was in school that paid very well were nudie bars, and well, I just didn't have the resources to embark on that career. The pole I might have managed, but on the natural endowments, I come up a little short. I would have to make a serious investment to get very far in that career, and that would defeat the purpose.
The psychologist on TV is talking about the Sugar Babies lacking 'a sense of moral compass'... What's that? I guess I'm a little past my prime, though. I kinda want to sign up for it, anyway. This would be even better than Internet dating. If I'm going for shock value, I'd just have to show up with my big bump. Or better yet, I could try it in a year from now, after Boop is making his/her screaming entrance into the world. Heck, I could have Boop in tow. The response would be priceless.
Seriously though, being pregnant and the reality of having a little one on my own has had me reevaluating many things. Living and working where I do: being far from family, my struggle to find decent health care, the outlook for the future of grant-writing, my ability to make an impact, etc.

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