Thursday, August 4, 2011

Waves. 8-3-11

It comes in waves. Some days I feel really overwhelmed. This was kind of a rough day. I spent the day gathering information about medical leave in January. It's not enough that I'm having a little freak out about being a single parent. I'm already having to struggle over work in January! At least, I'm getting it out of the way, I guess. I know people are working behind the scenes to help me, and I will have support. I just dread the impending confrontation. And I feel like this situation will repeat itself in various forms.
It's days like this that I feel a little spent. And everyone seems like they have a much easier life, have more love, and are having much more fun. It's hard to come home to an empty house some days. I was just re-reading about some of the guys I've dated. And maybe being a bit hard on myself about some mistakes I've made. There are probably guys who have been writing mean things about me for lesser crimes for a long time, too. Ahem. Yep Ladies, if you've found a good one, take care of him! Thank heavens for my little dog who is always happy to see me come home. And I have folks checking in on me who care about me. I'm fortunate for that. For some reason, my blog stats say I even had a few page hits from Pakistan. I have no idea of who that could be, but Welcome!
Maybe some folks really are in a better situation than me. But I remind myself that there are many things going on with other people. It's amazing how much people are struggling when you scratch the surface. A friend of mine has been struggling a bit lately, too, and so I took this photo of a Guatemalan Worry Doll to help with some of the burden. Guatemalan Worry Dolls work via Internet, I'm sure! I'll put your worry on this little doll and sleep with it under my pillow tonight.
"And this, too, shall pass away!"--Abraham Lincoln <I just learned that this was from him by way of a Sufi proverb.>

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