Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Water Babies. 8-27-11

I've got a friend with a pool in her complex. And since she mentioned it a few weeks ago, it's been on my mind. It's been a while since I've been swimming, which is a huge change from when I was younger. Every weekend, we were off to Paw-Paw's house at the lake. And the next morning, we were out on the lake. My parents would strap on my little ski belt and let me loose. It seemed so easy. Paw-Paw never had to have a ski belt. He had a lot of natural buoyancy ;) And he was always tickled to tell people how he could walk across the river, never swam. I was his little fish, complete with fish face.
I wanted Boop to start getting used to the water and hope that s/he will come to love it. So, K and I got together and headed to her pool. I managed to find swimsuit bottoms, but I couldn't find a top. Pregnancy swimsuits were non-existent. So, I decided to just opt for a t-shirt and a bra <sorry to be graphic>. A also came over, and we had a nice visit. The pool temperature was a bit on the cool side but manageable. I was limited on my swimming options, but the side stroke seemed to work, except that I got winded too easily.
We decided to go to dinner afterwards, Mexican. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to bring a dry bra. K had offered an undershirt, but my girls look like something from Jean-Paul Gaultier. I just put my dress on with my wet bra. I finished changing, walked out to see A, looked down, and we both cracked up. I had a certain 'nursing' look, and K let me borrow her hair dryer. She gave me an undershirt that I wore over my bra, and I tried to dry my dress a bit. Meanwhile, I only live about 2 minutes away and could have easily ran home and changed, if I had thought about that first... So, finally, I pulled myself together, and we had a nice dinner. But I must admit I was happy to come home and put on my dry pajamas. Hopefully, Boop's next swimming outing will be a bit more organized.

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