Saturday, August 20, 2011

Taking Stock at Week 17. 8-15-11

Here is the update at Week 17:
·         No Unisom for the first time in 4 months! I still have some nausea, but I'm managing without meds :) Woot, woot! I'm still taking colace. Hopefully, I'll feel good enough that I can start drinking OJ for fiber supplements. Spotting seems to be a distant memory, whew! On the other hand, I think my blood pressure is a little out of whack; I'm having headaches and dizziness.
·         I'm already counting the days until my next ultrasound. I can't wait to see my Boop again. In the meantime, I haven't really felt Boop kick that I can pin down. I have some funny sensations, but I can't really define it as anything.
·         Helpers are decreasing my stress level. It makes me feel like I'm moving in the right direction. I can't say that I've really gotten anything substantial done, but at least, things aren't getting worse!
·         The scales at my primary care doc's office say I'm gaining weight. I guess that's good news, but it was a little too much good news, ahem. Maybe it's the Chocolate Dreams spread that I bought. Unfortunately, it tastes good on just about anything... I'm trying to walk a bit more now that I feel better.

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