Monday, October 3, 2011

Gifts. 9-24-11

All little girls should have a tutu and a princess dress!

On Friday, there was a package waiting for me at my do-or :) I was so glad to get an email from M a few weeks ago after not hearing from her for a while, and I let her know I'm pregnant. She was so happy for me. The last time I had seen my grad school roomie was after a very difficult trip to Brooklyn when she was about 6 months pregnant one November. Her little girl must be nearly 2 years old by now. She managed to deal with me through my crying jags that weekend, and she and her little boy were so good to me. I was glad to have happy news to share with her.
She said she wanted to send me something, and so I was wondering what she had in mind. She had moved recently; so I figured she wouldn't have much left from her little ones. I got a box full of little outfits, adorable little outfits and dresses and even a couple of the swadling wraps that I had been curious about. There was also a little soft-sided baby's book to put photos of people in Boop's family. So sweet! I was telling Mom about all of my goodies, when she chimed in with some of her own.
Her friend's daughter, A, had found more baby things. Mom was so excited about all of the new goodies and was telling me about some of things. Come to find out, L and P, those same friends, had bought scooters for their 2 granddaughters and also bought one for Boop. It took a few minutes for me to process what Mom was saying. Well, Boop will have to be born, walk, and be better than me at balancing before attempting a scooter, but how adorable and over-the-top is that?? Something about it being pink and something about a helmet. I'll have to see this when I go back in October. Oh my little Boop, oh my, my, my... how will you manage not to be totally rotten? :)

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