Thursday, October 6, 2011

Busy Weekend. 10-4-11

Sunday wasn't enough. I figured that I would recouperate on Sunday, but it wasn't enough. I had a helper for the past few days, but on Saturday, we were both buckling down to get things done. She started at 9am, and I couldn't keep up with her. I had to keep taking breaks. She only stopped for lunch. If she hadn't been here, I don't know what I would have done. She ended up leaving when the game started, about 3:30pm. Most of the bathroom is painted, thank goodness. I'm just trying to get the electrical sorted out.
I was having folks over for dinner at 5:30pm, and I hadn't even been to the grocery when my helper left at 3:30pm. So, I made a mad dash for Krogers, and we started eating by 6ish. I'm glad they were patient with me. The pasta salad was still a bit warm, and we had a bit of trouble figuring out the panini maker. My panini was good, but it might have just been the fact that I had beef, which always seems to hit the spot these days :) By 10pm, sitting on the couch with the fireplace going, I was fighting to keep my eyes open, and they caught me. So my company left. I figured I'd recover on Sunday, but I was still pretty antsy. I wound up starting to clean up the kitchen and trying to get rid of papers that were in the nursery and shreded bags and bags of paper. I still have plenty to go! Hopefully, we'll get things cleared out of the nursery this week and get the upstairs bathroom finished.

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