Thursday, October 13, 2011

Out of Balance. 10-8-11

I woke up about 2:30am. Boop was moving, and I had that awful taste in my mouth. I came downstairs and had a bit of soyogurt and went back to sleep. At 5:30am, I got more soyogurt, more water. I can't get enough water. At 7:30am, I was out to get some stuff for the house during a grand opening sale at a local store and also a few things to make a huevos rancheros recipe that I saw on one of the pregnancy sites. Thanks to a very slow Internet connection for the recipe, I didn't eat breakfast until 9:30am.
I finally had a good look at my tongue in the light. Blisters. Thrush? This must be the reason for the metallic taste in my mouth. I made a call to the midwives. Not many good options to treat thrush for pregnant women. Looking up info online, I had seen that there was a mouth rinse. Apparently, it's what they use to treat infants. That was a bit more reasuring. The bigger issue in my mind: gestational diabetes. Hopefully, I've just gotten out of balance from taking antibiotics last week, rather than having gestational diabetes. Having to watch what I eat and check my blood sugar will be no party, but I can manage. What concerns me more is that gestational diabetes increases my risk for full-blown diabetes later in life and also would increase Boop's risk for diabetes... Right now, I just need to focus on getting and keeping healthy during the pregnancy. So, I'm laying low on the sugar until I have my blood glucose test in a few weeks.

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